Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (2024)

You might think the land is the most critical aspect of choosing a homestead location. However, the state where the land is located can be just as important. Some states are much better for homesteading.

Here’s why and the best states for homesteading in the USA.

If you want to learn more about homesteading, see these introductory posts:

  • What is a homestead
  • How to start a homestead for beginners

Why Choice of State Matters for Homesteading

No matter how self-reliant you want to be, you will still be subject to the local laws and regulations of the place where your homestead is located.

In some cases, this could crush your dream of being self-sufficient. In other situations, the laws actually might work in your favor.

Here are some state laws, policies, and resources to look out for.

Rebates for Renewable Energy

Setting up a homestead can be expensive, especially if you want to install renewable energy like solar. The federal solar tax credit (ITC) allows you to deduct some of the cost of your solar panels from your taxes.

On top of this, many states or municipalities offer additional tax rebates or incentives for going solar. You can save a lot of money on initial costs by choosing one state over another.

Price for Excess Solar (Net Metering Policies)

Another thing to consider in regards to homestead location is net metering policies. Net metering allows you to sell excess generated electricity back to the power company.

Some states have terrible limitations on net metering. For example, you might not be allowed to sell excess electricity if your solar system is over a certain size.

By contrast, some places use net metering to incentivize homeowners to install solar and buy back electricity at prices higher than retail value. You can learn more about net metering policies here.

Net metering policies won’t matter if you want to disconnect from the grid completely.

Being Legally Allowed to Detach from Grid

Want to disconnect from the grid entirely and rely only on your own electricity and water source?

In most areas, it is actually illegal to disconnect from the grid!

These laws are usually decided on a local level and not state level, so you’ll have to research the laws of your potential homestead location carefully.

State Homestead Laws

Homestead laws allow people to declare all or part of their land as a “homestead.” There are two main benefits to doing this:

  • Homestead is protected from creditors: The homestead cannot be seized due to unpaid debts, personal loans, medical bills, etc.
  • Reduced property taxes: Sometimes, the homestead won’t count toward your property taxes. In places with high property taxes, this can add to significant yearly savings.

Homestead laws vary drastically by state. Usually, they specify an exact amount that is protected. For example, Massachusetts has a high homestead exemption amount of up to $500,000. Arkansas lets you protect your entire home. By contrast, Kentucky only protects $5,000.

The homestead protection amount isn’t always the same as the amount that gets exempted from your property taxes (if any).

For more on this, read our post about Homestead Declaration.

Property Taxes

When you homestead, your property is your main asset. Property taxes can be very high if you have a large, valuable piece of land. In the long run, buying a pricier piece of land often makes more sense, but in a state with lower property taxes.

As mentioned above, some state homestead laws allow you to deduct the value of your homestead from your property taxes.

For example, a state might have a $50,000 homestead property tax exemption. If your small homestead is valued at $75,000, you only need to pay property taxes on $25k of it. So, even if the state property taxes are high, you might not have to pay much thanks to an exemption.

Climate & Natural Resources

I often see Arizona and Nevada in lists of the best states for homesteading. Sure, land in those states might be very cheap – but it is cheap for a reason!

You’ll have difficulty living off the land without natural resources like water and rich soil. Climate is also very important, especially for novice homesteaders.

The growing season is very short in colder areas like the northern states. You can still homestead there, but the learning curve is higher.

I suggest taking a look at the USDA Hardiness Zone map. Zones 6a to 8b are generally best for homesteading. Warmer zones are suitable for growing but are usually more prone to natural disasters.

Community & Remoteness

Does your vision of homesteading involve living far away from civilization and going months without seeing anyone? Then, you won’t care as much about road conditions, schools, and the number of farmers’ markets nearby.

But maybe you envision a close-knit community that helps each other with tasks, trades homemade products, and offers support.

In this case, you will want to choose a state with more homesteaders and services. For example, Oregon offers homesteaders many grants and educational opportunities. Plus, there are many farmers marketers around the state for selling your goods.

Disaster Safety

States like Florida, Texas, and Louisiana might be great in some aspects for homesteading, but they are also very prone to hurricanes and flooding.

Homesteading in Texas

It’s much harder to evacuate when you have a homestead, especially with animals to care for. So, think twice before homesteading in an area prone to disasters.

Read more about the states with the least natural disasters.

Homeschooling Laws

If you have children and want to homeschool them on your homestead, you’ll need to consider those laws, too. Some of the best states for homeschooling are Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan.

See a map with homeschooling laws here.

Whether You Qualify As a Farm

Many states provide various tax benefits to farmers, such as exemptions or rebates on property or sales taxes. There are also plenty of tax deductions for supplies like seeds, feed, and equipment.

In some states, it’s straightforward to qualify as a farm. For example, New Jersey only requires you to have 5 acres and sell an average of $1,000 annually to be a farm. Some states are much stricter, though, so check the local laws.

Best States for Homesteading

There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing the best state for homesteading, and many of these factors are very personal in nature.

I’ve tried to be unbiased and chose the top states based on all the abovementioned factors, like taxes, favorable homesteading laws, and climate. Here they are!

1. Iowa

Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (1)

Iowa has some of the most arable land in the United States, which makes it great for starting a self-sufficient homestead. Since the state is big on agriculture, you’ll be in good company with many of your neighbors growing food.

The cost of living in Iowa is low. Yet, the school system is still great, and nearby Des Moines is bustling with culture if you feel the need to connect.

Of course, there are downsides to homesteading in Iowa. The state is primarily flat and visually dull. The winters are some of the worst in the USA. Depending on your income, the state taxes might get very high.

Read more about homesteading in Iowa.


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (2)Lots of fertile land
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (3)100% homestead exemption for up to 40 acres rural or ½ acre urban
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (4)Low property taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (5)Very relaxed homeschooling laws
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (6)Net metering for solar power
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (7)Solar tax credit up to $5,000; solar installations exempt from sales tax
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (8)Low cost of living


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (9)High cost of farmland
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (10)Tornadoes and flooding common
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (11)Harsh winters
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (12)High sales taxes

2. Wyoming

Wyoming has a lot of things going for it.

The cost of living is very low, there is a low population density and plenty of agricultural land suitable for farming or raising animals.

The vistas are beautiful, and you can enjoy homesteading in peace in this state.

There are surprisingly many sunny days in Wyoming: 114 days of the year are clear, and the state averages over 3,000 hours of sunshine per year – more than even California! Only Arizona gets more sun; a Wyoming homestead could be great for solar power.

Not everyone will appreciate the remoteness of Wyoming life, though. If you aren’t near a big city or town, you might have to drive long distances to get supplies or send your kids to school. There aren’t many cultural institutions and only one public university.


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (13)Incredibly low state property taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (14)Low cost of land
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (15)Not prone to many natural disasters
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (16)No state income tax
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (17)One of lowest state sales taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (18)Relaxed homeschooling rules


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (19)Only $20-40k protected under homestead exemption
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (20)Very dry; less than 10 inches of rainfall per year
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (21)High wildfire risk – more on preparing for wildfire
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (22)Short growing season
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (23)Near the Yellowstone supervolcano

3. Arkansas

Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (24)

When it comes to homesteading, Arkansas has a lot to offer. Many homesteaders flock to the Ozarks because of their beauty and natural resources. There are over 9,700 miles of streams and 600,000 acres of lakes.

Read more about homesteading in Arkansas.

Arkansas has a lower learning curve for homesteading than many other states in the USA. The land is primarily arable, and the climate is moderate. The USDA puts most of Arkansas in the hardiness zone of 6b to 8a, which means you get about 200 days between last and first frost.

The cost of living in Arkansas and land prices are still reasonably low. However, it can be difficult to find land since most of it is already taken by large agriculture operations.

If you enjoy solitude, the state is a great place to live. However, if you want to get involved with local communities, you might be a bit upset by the amount of crime, poverty, poor school systems, and other issues.


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (25)Unlimited homestead exemption
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (26)Very low state property taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (27)Relaxed homeschooling rules
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (28)Moderate farmland costs
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (29)Net metering for solar
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (30)Long growing season
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (31)Mild climate
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (32)Low cost of living
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (33)Lots of natural resources


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (34)High state income taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (35)High sales taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (36)No state tax refunds or rebates for solar
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (37)Hard to find smaller plots of land for sale in some areas
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (38)Poverty, crime, obesity, and poor education are big problems

4. Idaho

Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (39)

Idaho is another highly-agricultural state in the USA. Because upwards of 15% of the population is farmers, you will find a community sympathetic to homesteading ideals.

Read more about homesteading in Idaho

Because of its natural beauty and low cost of living, many people are flocking to Idaho. The state has experienced a huge housing and population boom, making it a bit harder to be isolated. Traffic jams are also becoming more common.

Don’t be surprised if land prices in Idaho spike.


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (40)Lots of arable land
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (41)50% of value of home and up to 1 acre exempt from property taxes (up to $100,000)
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (42)Multiple state tax incentives for installing solar
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (43)Very relaxed homeschooling rules
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (44)Fairly low cost of farmland
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (45)Lots of natural resources


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (46)High state income taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (47)High sales taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (48)Harsh winters
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (49)Occasional flooding, wildfire, and earthquakes

5. Oregon

Oregon is becoming an increasingly popular state to move to, especially with Californians who want to escape the rat race and high cost of housing.

Nature lovers will never be bored in Oregon because of all the public land that is open to anyone. There are beaches for surfing and diving, forests for hiking and camping, and even deserts.

The cost of living in Oregon is still pretty high, and average home values are one of the highest in the country. But, despite this, farmland in Oregon is still very affordable. Oregon has a strong homesteading culture and over 30,000 small farms in the state.

There are a lot of resources to support your homesteading endeavors, like farmers’ markets where you can sell food, free educational opportunities for farmers, and grant programs.


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (50)No state sales tax
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (51)Moderate property tax rate
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (52)Lots of state and local tax rebates on solar power
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (53)Full net metering on solar
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (54)Strong homesteading community
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (55)Affordable farmland available
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (56)Lots of resources for homesteaders and small farmers
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (57)Relatively safe from natural disasters


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (58)Very high state income tax
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (59)Only $40k protected under homestead exemption
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (60)High cost of living

6. Indiana

In particular, the southern half of Indiana is particularly good for homesteading. It has a warmer climate with fewer days of harsh weather, so you’ll have a longer growing season and be able to diversify your crops. The southern half is also less populated than the north.

While homesteading hasn’t taken off in Indiana as much as in some other states, it still has a long farming tradition. There are over 56,000 farms in the state, and 96% are small, family-owned operations. Since there are already so many farmers, finding affordable land for your homestead can be tricky.

Living in Indiana is affordable if you can swing the initial high land prices. The taxes are manageable (at least compared to most of the country). The state also has plenty of beautiful green areas; it’s not all just corn fields!


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (61)Moderate property taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (62)Fairly low flat-rate state income tax
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (63)Relaxed homeschool rules
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (64)Some solar components are exempt from sales tax
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (65)Net metering available for solar up to 1MW


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (66)Very high farmland costs
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (67)Only $19.3-38.6k protected under homestead exemption
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (68)High sales taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (69)Lots of tornadoes and flooding

7. Virginia

When it comes to growing your own food, Virginia is one of the best states. It is in the USDA Hardiness Zones of 5a to 8a, which means it doesn’t get extreme highs or lows. First, frost doesn’t hit under the under of November for some areas, which gives you nearly 200 days of frost-free growing.

Virginia is more populated than other states, so you’ll have difficulty finding land if you want to be reclusive.

Farmland is pricey, while property taxes are low, the income tax is high.

You might also be annoyed by noise from the many highways or the sound of jet planes overhead from the nearby military bases. However, the higher population means more resources like schools and job opportunities (in case you don’t plan on homesteading as your main job).


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (70)Arable land
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (71)Low property taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (72)Temperate climate
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (73)Long growing season
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (74)Lots of rain
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (75)Moderate sales taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (76)Net metering and programs that buy back electricity for more than retail cost


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (77)High farmland costs
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (78)Fairly high state income taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (79)High cost of living
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (80)Strict homeschooling rules
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (81)Very low protection under homestead declaration
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (82)Some areas have high population density
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (83)Prone to natural disasters, including flooding, hurricanes, and drought

8. North Carolina

No, you won’t find many homesteaders on the coast of North Carolina. However, the western part of the state is great for homesteading. A lot of people choose to get land in the mountains. It’s not as suitable for growing food but is great for raising goats for milk.

True, the western part of the state doesn’t have as warm of a climate as the eastern part. However, the weather is still mild, and you get a relatively long growing season. There are also wild berries, mushrooms, and other plants you can forage or grow. Being away from the coast also puts you further out of danger from the many hurricanes that North Carolina has each year.

Land in North Carolina can be costly, and the state income and sales taxes are also high. However, the state does have some laws favorable to homesteading and good rebates for installing solar systems.


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (84)High protection under homestead declaration
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (85)Rebates for solar available
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (86)Net metering for solar
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (87)Low property taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (88)Long growing season


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (89)High land costs
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (90)Fairly high state income tax
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (91)High sales taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (92)Very high natural disaster risk
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (93)Strict homeschooling rules

9. Missouri

Missouri is an excellent state for homesteading because of its long farming tradition. You’ll find a community of people who know all about self-sufficient living. There are nearly 95,000 farms in Missouri, most of which are family owned and under 300 acres. The local laws tend to be favorable to homesteading.

Much of the state is great for growing food, though there are plenty of areas where the soil is rocky or lacks timber for building and fuel. Unfortunately, the best homesteading land can be costly to buy. Property and sales taxes are moderate, but the state income tax is high.

Missouri experiences all four seasons, though the winters are relatively mild, and the summers aren’t as bad as its southerly neighbors. The location does mean Missouri often gets hit by natural disasters like flooding, tornadoes, and ice storms – so be prepared.


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (94)Moderate property and sales taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (95)Net metering for solar
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (96)Decent growing season
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (97)Rebates for solar
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (98)Relaxed homeschooling rules


  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (99)High state income taxes
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (100)High farmland costs
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (101)Low protection under homestead declaration
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (102)Natural disasters very common
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (103)Humid summers and cold winters
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (104)Prone to droughts
  • Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (105)Multiple nuclear power plants

What do you think is the best state for homesteading? Let us know in the comments below.

Best States for Homesteading - Top Places to Start a Homestead in the USA (2024)


What state is the best to start a homestead? ›

Oregon is one of the best states for homesteading because of its great climate and water supply. It's known as a state for homestead farmers because of the many benefits the state offers. From low property taxes to a large farming community, over 30,000 small farms reside in Oregon.

What states have the best homestead exemption? ›

Which states offer the highest homestead protection amounts?
StateExemption Type
South DakotaUnlimited
47 more rows
Apr 12, 2024

What state has the cheapest land for homesteading? ›

Arizona. A desert climate will be a challenge, but not an impossibility, for growing your own crops and farming the land. It's one of the cheapest (if not the cheapest) of all 50 states to buy land in, but you'll need to check whether the specific location you might have in mind actually allows for homestead building.

Is there any free land for homesteading in the United States? ›

Unclaimed land — land to which no one has claimed ownership rights — and free-and-clear land doesn't exist in the United States. However, if you're willing to build a home or start a business, towns and cities in a handful of states will give you a free lot to build on.

What is the best state for off-grid homesteading? ›

The best state for off-grid living ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences, but will ideally be areas with lenient building and rainwater harvesting laws, moderate weather, and plenty of open land. Examples of good states for off-grid living include Colorado, Texas, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Oregon.

What is the best state to own land in? ›

These are the top 10 states that offer the most promising landscapes for land investments.
  • Wyoming. ...
  • Colorado. ...
  • New Mexico. ...
  • Alaska. ...
  • Arizona. ...
  • Utah. ...
  • Oregon. ...
  • Idaho. Idaho's diverse landscapes cater to various desires, from serene lakes to towering mountains, offering options for land buyers.
Mar 19, 2024

Can you claim a homestead in two states? ›

Most states have a homestead exemption. They require the homesteaded property be the homeowner's primary place of residence. Homeowners can only be homesteaded in one state.

Is Tennessee a homestead state? ›

Although some states provide a tax exemption or afford favorable tax treatment to "homestead" property, Tennessee does not have specific property tax provisions dealing with homesteads. There are, however, property tax relief provisions applicable to disabled, elderly, and veteran homeowners.

What is the homestead waiver in Wyoming? ›

Every resident of the state is entitled to a homestead not exceeding twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) in value, exempt from execution and attachment arising from any debt, contract or civil obligation entered into or incurred. Section 2. This act is effective July 1, 2023.

What is the best state to farm year round? ›

The top best states to start a farm or ranch in the US are Montana, Kansas, North Dakota, Texas, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Iowa, Kentucky, Colorado and Wyoming.

How to start a homestead with no money? ›

10 steps to start homesteading, on the cheap
  1. Simplify your life. This would be the first thing to do when you want to start homesteading. ...
  2. Make homesteading friends. ...
  3. Start gardening. ...
  4. Preserve what you grow and what you gather. ...
  5. Learn to sew. ...
  6. Get starts from other people. ...
  7. Plan ahead. ...
  8. Cheap chickens.

Which state has the best homestead exemption? ›

Texas, Florida, Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, and Oklahoma have some of the broadest homestead protections in the United States in terms of the value of property that can be protected.

Where is the best place to homestead in the US? ›

# 1: Burlington, VT. Vermont tops the Gallup list of the happiest state in the union, while Burlington tops the list of best places for the urban homesteader. Burlington is 45 miles from of the Canadian border and sits on the coast of Lake Champlain.

Does Alaska give free land? ›

Since the 1986 repeal, there has been no federal homesteading program in Alaska; the State of Alaska, however, created public land disposal programs starting with statehood in 1959. Initially, the state sold land primarily through auctions and then through land lotteries after 1978.

How many acres do you need to start a homestead? ›

For the average family of four, you can expect to grow a year's worth of food on three to five acres. We really do think that five acres is the sweet spot because it allows you to stack your animals and really utilize permaculture practices. One acre for gardens, perennials and fruit trees.

What is the best state to start a hobby farm in? ›

Top 10 Best States to Start a Farm in 2022
  1. Montana. Montana has won first place as the best state to start a farm in a recent survey conducted by Lawnstarter. ...
  2. Kansas. ...
  3. North Dakota. ...
  4. Texas. ...
  5. Oklahoma. ...
  6. Iowa. ...
  7. Wyoming. ...
  8. Colorado.
Apr 27, 2022

How much land do you need to run a self-sufficient homestead? ›

Land requirements for a self-sustaining farm

With efficient planning and the use of raised beds or intensive planting techniques, it's possible to have abundant yields even on just 1/4 acre. Think about this – imagine replacing those rose bushes with blueberry bushes.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.