How to Start and F&B Business in Malaysia 2023 (2024)

How to Start and F&B Business in Malaysia 2023 (1)

Starting a cafe or restaurant of your own is the dream of a lot of Malaysians. The idea of putting your heart and soul into creating an F&B outlet, serving customers and gaining loyal fans can be an exciting one.

However, the reality of opening an F&B business can be harsh. Instead of living the dream, new cafe and restaurant owners often find themselves in a nightmare when expenses pile up while customers are nowhere to be found.

Soon enough, their entire business collapses and their business is history.

Needless to say, opening a cafe or restaurant can be a risky affair. Even with the best intentions, you’ll still need a lot of planning and preparation to give yourself a higher chance of success.

To help you get started on the right footing, we’ve compiled our best resources on F&B business planning and preparation in this one guide. In this brief guide, you’ll discover how to:

  • Craft a solid business plan for any type of F&B business
  • Create a memorable brand story
  • Generate interest in your F&B business using marketing campaigns
  • Pick a good location for your F&B business premise
  • Create Standard Operating Procedures to streamline your process
  • Choose a solid Point of Sales (POS) system
  • Raise money to grow your F&B business

If you are one of the many Malaysians who want to start your own F&B business, this guide will give you a better idea of what to get started with and get you started the right way!

Step 1: Create a Solid Business Plan

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”

Benjamin Franklin

Your F&B business journey will begin with a business plan. A business plan will help you to:

  • Be clear on your business objectives, mission, and vision
  • Deeply knowing the target market you intend on serving
  • Understand your competition’s strengths and weaknesses and how your business stacks up against theirs
  • Analyse if your business really has what it takes to be successful
  • Discover blind spots you might not have noticed previously
  • Decide on your menu offerings and their prices
  • Do cash flow projects and calculate how long your money will last you and when you might need to raise money
  • The type of expertise you need to look for in the staff you hire

A business plan will also be useful if you are thinking of raising money to start your business. Potential investors will likely want to take a look at your business plan before they consider putting money into your business.

To learn how to create a solid business plan, you can read our F&B business plan guide. We go through each step of the way so, at the end of the guide, you’ll have an idea of how to create a solid business plan!

Why You Should Have a Business Plan Before Launching Your FnB Business in Malaysia and How to Create One

Step 2: Craft a Memorable Brand

Branding is one of the best ways to differentiate yourself. Without one, your business will easily become lost in a sea of businesses selling the same type of food.

Remember the last time you bought food from a Ramadhan bazaar? You’ll probably have your fair share of really good and bad food.

Now, think about what happens after the Ramadhan bazaar. What if you want to buy food again from the stalls you liked?

How to Start and F&B Business in Malaysia 2023 (2)

Would you know where to find them?

I’m guessing it’s pretty unlikely because they don’t have a strong or memorable brand.

Even if the same seller opens a booth in the same Ramadhan bazaar next year, it will be tough for you to find them and buy from them again.

As a business owner, you never want to suffer the fate of being an unknown business. Instead, you want customers to remember your brand and come back, again and again, to buy from you.

This is why you’ll need to invest in creating a memorable brand for your business. A brand isn’t only about a name, or a logo, you’ll need to craft a compelling brand story and packaging to match.

Get tips about how to create a brand using the guide below:

8 Important Steps You Need To Define An Attractive F&B Brand

Step 3: Choose a good location

Once you have an idea of the brand image you would like to project, it’s time to pick out a location for your business.

For new businesses, picking a good location is very important. Picking the right location will mean exposing your brand to a large number of people in your target segment who will give your business a try whereas picking the wrong location may mean your business remains hidden to the very people you would like to serve.

While cost is a big concern, there is a lot more to consider when picking a location. Get the full list of ten things we think you should consider when picking a location for your F&B business right here:

Picking a Location for Your Cafe or Restaurant in Malaysia: 10 Things to Consider Before Signing Your Lease

Step 4: Market Your F&B Business

  • How to Start and F&B Business in Malaysia 2023 (3)

Now that you have settled on a business plan, brand and location, you’ll need to consider how you might generate interest and draw in a crowd to your business using the right marketing methods.

Because let’s face it – without a strong customer interest in your brand, you won’t be open for too long, no matter how good your food or branding is.

Today’s F&B environment is too competitive for you to not take advantage of the marketing channels available to you. With thousands of others vying for the attention of the same customers, you’ll need to get creative. This is especially true at the beginning when your brand is relatively unknown in the market.

Start getting creative and get inspiration on how to create an effective marketing campaign for your F&B business here:

6 Ways to Market Your Restaurant or Cafe Business in Malaysia and Get More Customers (With Examples)

Step 5: Create SOPs for Your F&B Business

We’re halfway through now, but not quite done yet. To make sure your cafe or restaurant runs smoothly and your customers get a great experience each time they patronise your business, you’ll need Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in place.

SOPs will document exact instructions for every single process in your restaurant including:

  • How to treat your customers
  • How to maintain kitchen cleanliness
  • How to maintain food hygiene
  • How to keep track of your costs

While it’s quite a bit of work to document these processes, the benefits will definitely be worth your time.

Get started with SOPs for your F&B business by using our guide:

SOPs for Your FnB Business in Malaysia: Why You Need Them and How to Create Ones That Work

Step 6: Pick an F&B Point-of-Sales (POS) System for your business

POS Systems are an indispensable part of any F&B business these days. Modern POS Systems can not only help you manage customer payments, but they can also help you to:

  • Streamline your front desk to kitchen communication
  • Keep stock of your inventory and do calculations
  • Easily keep track of your sales
  • Accounting made easy
  • Keep your staff in check
  • Easy to train new staff

By using a POS System, you’ll help yourself and your team save hours by making your processes seamless.

How to Start and F&B Business in Malaysia 2023 (4)

Not all POS Systems in the market are made equal though. Learn how to choose the right POS System for your business by using our criteria:

Looking for the Best POS System for Your FnB Business in Malaysia? We’ll Show You How to Choose One! [2019]

Step 7: Calculate Your Food Costs

Food costs can contribute to 25 – 35% of an F&B business’ overall costs. This is pretty significant, so you’ll want to make sure you understand what makes up your food costs.

This way, you’ll be able to:

  • Reduce wastage
  • Reduce costs by replacing ingredients (but not compromising quality)
  • Take advantage of bulk pricing

Use our guide to help you calculate your food costs and discover ways to reduce it in the long term:

Food Costing Calculation for Restaurant and Cafe Owners in Malaysia (with Formula)

Step 8: Raise Money to Grow

Finally, you’ll need to learn how to raise money for your business. Even if you are funding your business with your own money now, there might come a time when you need to raise money either to grow your restaurant, open new outlets or bridge your business through temporary cash flow issues.

Consider all the options available to you by using our F&B funding guide:

Raising Money for Your FnB Business in Malaysia: 5 Common Ways Malaysians Fund Their Cafe or Restaurant Dream


Starting your own F&B business may be a dream come true, but unless you plan and prepare yourself properly, you might having to give up on it long before you are ready to.

With a solid business plan, a memorable brand, good location and effective marketing campaign, you’ll be on your way to launch your business right.

Further smoothen your business operations by creating SOPs, using an F&B specialised POS System and precisely calculating your food costs.

Finally, be prepared with the possibility of having to raise money for your business in the future and consider all the options available to you before that happens.

Note: We will be updating this guide from time to time, so do check back for updates! Let us know what you think of this guide in the comments below!

How to Start and F&B Business in Malaysia 2023 (2024)


How to Start and F&B Business in Malaysia 2023? ›

New investors do not have idea of investment capital when start restaurant business in Malaysia. Let guess minimum budget of RM 20,000 to RM 40,000 may need to establish a restaurant business. Provided that, budget vary upon business location. Location: Location is the most important for starting a restaurant business.

How much money do you need to open a restaurant in Malaysia? ›

New investors do not have idea of investment capital when start restaurant business in Malaysia. Let guess minimum budget of RM 20,000 to RM 40,000 may need to establish a restaurant business. Provided that, budget vary upon business location. Location: Location is the most important for starting a restaurant business.

How to start a food product business in Malaysia? ›

To help you prepare, here's our step-by-step guide on how to start an F&B business in Malaysia!
  1. Test the market.
  2. Construct a business plan.
  3. Secure funding.
  4. F&B licenses and permits.
  5. Supply chain.
  6. F&B equipment.
  7. Choose a POS system.
  8. Create the menu.
Jan 2, 2020

Which business is best to start in Malaysia? ›

List of Businesses in Malaysia
  • E-commerce Business. Malaysia is one of the leading countries for e-commerce growth, showing a promising future ahead. ...
  • Tourism Business. ...
  • Fashion Business. ...
  • Real Estate Business. ...
  • Oil and Gas Trade. ...
  • Cleaning Services. ...
  • Food and Beverages Business. ...
  • Franchise Business.

How much capital does it take to start a cafe in Malaysia? ›

First things first, you have to be financially secure to start a cafe. Investing in a cafe business will cost you at least RM500,000 to RM600,000 to cover your location rental, deposit, labour costs, equipment and supplies, amongst many other things. That's not all.

Can a foreigner start a restaurant in Malaysia? ›

For 100% foreign-owned company, you will need to apply for Wholesale, Retail Trade License to approve your entity. Such license will only be granted to a restaurant of “unique'” concept and with size minimum 1,500 sq ft.

What is the average profit per month for restaurants in Malaysia? ›

Take a look at some of the data: according to recent statistics, the average restaurant profit margin in Malaysia ranges from 5%-8%. When compared with other sectors such as retail and hospitality, which have much lower net profit margins (2%-3%), it's clear that the restaurant industry is more lucrative than most.

What is the easiest food to sell? ›

Easy Food To Sell To Make Money
  • Nuts, coated, and uncoated.
  • Pickles and other pickled vegetables.
  • Popcorn, popcorn balls, and cotton candy.
  • Sandwiches for lunches done well.
  • Tacos and quesadillas.
  • Trending foods, such as meat marinades and rubs.
  • Flavored vinegar and oils.
  • Charcuterie boards.

What license do I need to sell food in Malaysia? ›

A Premise and Signboard License is mandatory for every restaurant in Malaysia. The validity of the license is usually for one year and is issued by Local Authorities.

Which industry is booming in Malaysia? ›

Let's look into Malaysia's fastest-growing sectors in 2024:
  • Technology and Digital Innovation: ...
  • Online Betting and Gambling: ...
  • E-commerce and Online Retail: ...
  • Renewable Energy and Sustainability: ...
  • Healthcare and Biotechnology: ...
  • Tourism and Hospitality: ...
  • Food and Beverage Industry:

What do I need to know before starting a business in Malaysia? ›

How to Start a Business in Malaysia
  • Choose the Right Business Structure. ...
  • Reserving a Company Name. ...
  • Business Registration with SSM. ...
  • Obtaining the Necessary Licenses and Permits. ...
  • Opening a Business Bank Account. ...
  • Tax Registration.
Jun 17, 2024

What is booming industry in Malaysia in 2024? ›

E-commerce. E-commerce in Malaysia continues to flourish, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic and changing consumer behaviors. The sector is expected to maintain its rapid growth graph in 2024. Businesses are also using the potential power of digital platforms to expand their connections and customer engagement.

How much money do I need to start a business in Malaysia? ›

How Much Do You Really Need to Start a Small Business in Malaysia?
Business typeEstimated Initial Capital (RM)
E-commerceRM500 – RM2000 (depending on product)
Hawker StallRM2000- RM5000
Local restaurantRM60,000 – RM100,000
CaféRM500,000 – RM600,000
1 more row
Feb 7, 2017

Do cafe owners make a lot of money? ›

Coffee shop owners' salaries can vary depending on factors such as location and business success, with average earnings ranging from $30,000 to $100,000 or more per year. Calculating profit margin is crucial for assessing your coffee shop's financial health, and it can be determined using a simple formula.

How to start a food stall in Malaysia? ›

The Step-by-Step Guide to open a Hawker Stall in Malaysia
  1. Creating a Business Plan. This will make it much easier for you to build successful strategies for your long-term and short-term goals. ...
  2. Setting a Budget. ...
  3. Research. ...
  4. Establishing a website. ...
  5. Subscribing to Company Advisory Services.

How much does it cost to open mcdonalds in Malaysia? ›

Franchise Businesses in Malaysia
BusinessCapital RequiredFranchise Fee
McDonald'sRM1,500,000 – RM3,500,000USD45,000
Nelson'sRM15,000 – RM60,000RM5,000 – RM12,000
OLDTOWN White CoffeeFrom RM700,000 – RM1,000,000RM80,000
Sakae SushiUSD500,000 – USD700,000 (depending on markets)USD100,000
11 more rows

How much does it cost to start a small restaurant? ›

Average Restaurant Startup Costs

Depending on your location, equipment, furniture, and rent, the average startup cost to open a restaurant can range from as little as $175,000 to well over $700,000.

How to set up a restaurant business in Malaysia? ›

These may include:
  1. Business Registration: Register your business with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM).
  2. Health and Safety Permits: Ensure your restaurant meets local health and safety standards.
  3. Liquor License: If you plan to serve alcohol, you'll need a liquor license from the relevant authorities.
May 30, 2024

How much money can you make owning a small restaurant? ›

How much restaurant owners make can be as high as $333,000 and as low as $19,500 per year. According to ZipRecruiter, the majority of restaurant owners earn between $45,500 and $100,000, with the average restaurant owner's salary just over $97,000, which equates to roughly $47 an hour.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.