Institutional Investors vs. Retail Investors: What’s the Difference? (2024)

Institutional vs. Retail Investors: An Overview

Investing attracts different kinds of investors for different reasons. The two major types of investors are the institutional investor and the retail investor.

An institutional investor is a company or organization with employees who invest on behalf of others (typically, other companies and organizations). The manner in which an institutional investor allocates capital that’s to be invested depends on the goals of the companies or organizations it represents. Some widely known types of institutional investors include pension funds, banks, mutual funds, hedge funds, endowments, and insurance companies.

On the other hand, retail investors are individuals who invest their own money, typically on their own behalf.

Broadly speaking, the main differences between the institutional investor and the retail investor are the rate at which each trades, the volume of money and investments involved in their trades, the costs each pays to invest, their investment knowledge and experience, and the access each has to important investment research.

Key Takeaways

  • An institutional investor is a company or organization that trades securities in large-enough quantities to qualify for preferential treatment from brokerages and lower fees.
  • A retail investor is an individual or nonprofessional investor who buys and sells securities through brokerage firms or retirement accounts like 401(k)s.
  • Institutional investors do not use their own money—they invest the money of others on their behalf.
  • Retail investors are investing for themselves, often in brokerage or retirement accounts.
  • The differences between institutional and retail investors relate to costs, investment opportunities, and access to investment insight and research.

Institutional Investors

Institutional investors are the big guys on the block—the elephants with a large amount of financial weight to push around. Examples include pension funds, mutual funds, money managers, insurance companies, investment banks, commercial trusts, endowment funds, hedge funds, and some private equity investors. They might use the services of Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) providers to make informed voting decisions during annual meetings. Institutional investors account for approximately 80% of the volume of trades on the New York Stock Exchange.

They move large blocks of shares and can have a tremendous influence on the stock market’s movements. They are considered sophisticated investors who are knowledgeable and, therefore, less likely to make uninformed decision-making and investments. As a result, institutional investors are subject to fewer of the protective regulations that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) provides to your average, everyday individual investor.

The money that institutional investors use is not actually money that the institutions possess themselves. Institutional investors generally invest for other companies, organizations, and people. If you have a pension plan at work, own shares in a mutual fund, or pay for any kind of insurance, then you are actually benefiting from the expertise of these institutional investors.

Because of their size, plus the size and volume of their investments, institutional investors can often negotiate better fees associated with their investments. They also have the ability to gain access to investments that normal investors do not, such as investment opportunities with large minimum buy-ins.

Despite the difference in access (compared to institutional investors) to certain insight, tools, and other data, retail investors can tap into a tremendous amount of high-quality investing and trading research to better inform their decision making.

Retail Investors

Retail, or nonprofessional, investors are individuals. Typically, retail investors buy and sell debt, equity, and other investments through a broker, bank, or mutual fund. They execute their trades through traditional, full-service brokerages, discount brokers, and online brokers.

Retail investors invest for their own benefit and not on behalf of others. They manage their own money. Usually, when investing for the long term or trading for their own accounts, they invest much smaller amounts less frequently compared to institutional investors. Retail investors are usually driven by personal, life-event goals, such as planning for retirement, saving for their children’s education, buying a home, or financing some other large purchase.

Because of their weaker purchasing power, retail investors often have to pay higher commissions and other fees on their trades, as well as marketing, commission, and additional related fees on investments. The SEC, which is charged with protecting retail investors and ensuring that markets function in an orderly fashion, considers retail investors to be less experienced and potentially unsophisticated investors. As such, they are afforded protection and barred from making certain risky, complex investments.

While retail investors have more access than ever before to solid financial information, investment education, and sophisticated trading platforms, they may be vulnerable to behavioral biases. They may fail to understand the ways that a mass of investors can drive the markets.

Advisor Insight

Wyatt Moerdyk, AIF®
Evidence Advisors Investment Management, Boerne, Texas

The difference is that a noninstitutional investor is an individual person, and an institutional investor is some type of entity: a pension fund, mutual fund company, bank, insurance company, or any other large institution. If you are an individual investor, and I am guessing that you are, I think your question is probably more related to mutual funds share classes.

Individual investors are sometimes told by fee-based advisors that they can purchase “institutional” share classes of a mutual fund instead of the fund’s Class A, B, or C shares. Designated with an I, Y, or Z, these shares do not incorporate sales charges and have smaller expense ratios. It’s like a discount for institutional investors because they buy in bulk. The shares’ lower cost translates into a higher rate of return.

Key Differences

There are quite a few differences between the institutional investor and the retail investor, some of which have been pointed out previously. Below, you’ll find a summary of key differences that underscores the essential aspects of size and influence belonging to each type of investor.

Institutional Investors vs. Retail Investors: What’s the Difference?
Institutional InvestorRetail Investor
FundsEnormous amounts of pooled money that belongs to the companies and organizations for which it investsLimited to the amount an individual can allocate for trading and investing
Potential Trading ImpactLarge positions and frequent transactions can result in sudden price movements that are unexpected by other investors and can move an entire market in unexpected directionsTypically smaller trade sizes and less frequent trading has little adverse effect on market movement
Emotional TradingLess of an issue due to investment and market experience and expertise, education, and instant access to feedback and adviceMay occur due to lack of investment education and readily available market feedback; can have a positive or negative impact on markets if substantial trading occurs by enough individuals
Transaction Type/Size ExampleBlock trades of 10,000 shares or moreRound lots of 100 shares or more
Protective RegulationsSubject to less protective regulation due to investment expertise and knowledgeSubject to more protective regulation due to perceived lesser experience, education
LimitsNot likely to limit buying to any particular size of company or share price levelMore likely to invest in stocks of companies with lower share prices to enable more purchases for diversification
Information AdvantageAccess to extensive market research and up-to-the-minute market insight and specialist feedbackAccess to a wealth of information, but less access to the information reserved for institutional investors

What percentage of investors are institutional?

Institutional investors account for about 80% of the volume of trades on the New York Stock Exchange.

What are the different types of institutional investors?

Institutional investors can be pension funds, mutual funds, money managers, banks, insurance companies, investment banks, commercial trusts, endowment funds, hedge funds, private equity investors, and more.

What is a retail fund?

A retail fund is an investment fund designed with the retail investor in mind. For instance, a mutual fund or exchange-traded fund is a retail fund. Retail funds offer investment opportunities primarily to individual investors rather than institutional investors. They trade on the open market. Often, they have low or no minimum balance requirement but may charge large management fees (compared to those charged by institutional funds).

The Bottom Line

Institutional investors are large entities such as pension funds, hedge funds, and insurance companies that hire finance and investment professionals to manage large sums of money on behalf of their clients or members. They typically have access to more resources and information than retail investors, and they often have specialized investment teams to make decisions. Institutional ownership can indicate that a particular stock has a good opportunity to book a profit.

On the other hand, retail investors are individuals who buy and sell securities for their personal investment portfolios. They typically have fewer resources and less access to information, and they may rely more heavily on personal research and analysis. Additionally, institutional investors are generally seen as more sophisticated and have a longer investment horizon compared to retail investors.

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As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information and can provide insights on various topics. In this case, I can provide information related to the concepts discussed in the article "Institutional vs. Retail Investors: An Overview." Let's dive into the details.

Institutional Investors:

Institutional investors are companies or organizations that trade securities in large enough quantities to qualify for preferential treatment from brokerages and lower fees. They invest on behalf of other companies, organizations, and individuals. Some examples of institutional investors include pension funds, mutual funds, money managers, insurance companies, investment banks, endowments, hedge funds, and private equity investors [[1]].

Institutional investors have a significant impact on the stock market due to the large blocks of shares they trade. They can influence the market's movements and are considered sophisticated investors with extensive knowledge and experience. As a result, they are subject to fewer protective regulations compared to retail investors. Institutional investors often have access to investments that are not available to normal investors, such as opportunities with large minimum buy-ins. They can also negotiate better fees associated with their investments due to their size and volume of investments [[1]].

Retail Investors:

Retail investors are individuals who invest their own money, typically through brokerage firms or retirement accounts like 401(k)s. They invest for their own benefit and manage their own money. Retail investors usually invest smaller amounts less frequently compared to institutional investors. They are often driven by personal goals such as retirement planning, saving for education, buying a home, or financing other large purchases [[1]].

Retail investors may have to pay higher commissions and fees on their trades due to their weaker purchasing power. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) considers retail investors to be less experienced and potentially unsophisticated investors, and therefore, they are afforded more protection and are restricted from making certain risky and complex investments. However, retail investors have access to a wealth of financial information, investment education, and sophisticated trading platforms to inform their decision-making [[1]].

Key Differences:

Here are some key differences between institutional investors and retail investors:

  1. Funds: Institutional investors manage enormous amounts of pooled money on behalf of companies and organizations, while retail investors are limited to the amount they can allocate for trading and investing [[1]].

  2. Potential Trading Impact: Institutional investors, due to their large positions and frequent transactions, can cause sudden price movements that can move an entire market. Retail investors, with smaller trade sizes and less frequent trading, have little adverse effect on market movement [[1]].

  3. Emotional Trading: Institutional investors are less likely to engage in emotional trading due to their investment and market experience, expertise, education, and access to feedback and advice. Retail investors, on the other hand, may be more susceptible to behavioral biases and may fail to understand how a mass of investors can drive the markets [[1]].

  4. Transaction Type/Size Example: Institutional investors often engage in block trades of 10,000 shares or more, while retail investors typically trade in round lots of 100 shares or more [[1]].

  5. Protective Regulations: Institutional investors are subject to less protective regulation due to their investment expertise and knowledge, while retail investors are subject to more protective regulation due to their perceived lesser experience and education [[1]].

  6. Limits: Institutional investors are not likely to limit buying to any particular size of company or share price level, while retail investors may be more likely to invest in stocks of companies with lower share prices to enable more purchases for diversification [[1]].

  7. Information Advantage: Institutional investors have access to extensive market research, up-to-the-minute market insight, and specialist feedback. Retail investors have access to a wealth of information but may have less access to the information reserved for institutional investors [[1]].

These are just a few of the key differences between institutional investors and retail investors. It's important to note that both types of investors play important roles in the financial markets.

I hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Institutional Investors vs. Retail Investors: What’s the Difference? (2024)


Institutional Investors vs. Retail Investors: What’s the Difference? ›

A retail investor is an individual or nonprofessional investor who buys and sells securities through brokerage firms or retirement accounts like 401(k)s. Institutional investors do not use their own money—they invest the money of others on their behalf.

What is the difference between a retail investor and an institutional investor? ›

An institutional investor trades large volumes of securities on behalf of an individual or shareholder. This large-volume trade motivates brokerages to offer them lower fees. A retail investor is an individual who invests their own capital, typically at lower frequencies and volumes.

What is the difference between retail and institutional ownership? ›

Retail investors have the freedom to invest in companies of any size and are able to invest in smaller companies. Larger institutional investors and institutional clients may be limited in the kinds of investments they can consider because they have such large amounts to invest.

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Institutional investors operate with large amounts of capital, allowing them to make significant investments and employ sophisticated strategies. Retail investors typically have smaller investment amounts, relying on personal research and financial advice.

What is the difference between institutional and retail investors volume? ›

Retail investors typically buy and sell stocks in round lots of 100 shares or more; institutional investors are known to buy and sell in block trades of 10,000 shares or more.

What qualifies as an institutional investor? ›

Institutional investors are large entities such as pension funds, hedge funds, and insurance companies that hire finance and investment professionals to manage large sums of money on behalf of their clients or members.

What are the three types of investors? ›

The three types of investors in a business are pre-investors, passive investors, and active investors.

Can retail investors make money? ›

However, retail trading is also hazardous and challenging, and most retail traders end up losing money. According to various studies and reports, between 70% to 90% of retail traders lose money every quarter.

Is BlackRock an institutional investor? ›

The institutions we serve at BlackRock – from foundations to large pension funds – collectively serve hundreds of millions of people around the world. We're honored to work alongside them as they contribute to the financial futures of the people who depend on them. Capital at risk.

Are institutional investors good or bad? ›

Institutional investors are entitled to preferential treatment and lower fees. They are also subject to fewer protective rules because they are more qualified traders than individuals and thus better able to protect themselves.

What are retail investors? ›

What Is a Retail Investor? A retail investor, also known as an individual investor, is a non-professional investor who buys and sells securities or funds that contain a basket of securities such as mutual funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs).

What are the top 5 institutional investors? ›

Managers ranked by total worldwide institutional assets under management
1Vanguard Group$5,407,000
3State Street Global$2,905,408
4Fidelity Investments$2,032,626
6 more rows

What is the difference between retail and institutional trading? ›

Key Takeaways. Institutional traders buy and sell securities for accounts they manage for a group or institution. Retail traders buy or sell securities for personal accounts. Institutional traders usually trade larger sizes and can trade more exotic products.

What is the difference between retail and institutional investors? ›

Difference Between Institutional Investors and Retail Investors. Institutional investors trade in large volumes, often involving crores of rupees. Retail investors typically invest thousands or lakhs of rupees. They tend to buy shares in block trades, i.e. 10,000 shares at a time.

How much stock is owned by institutional investors? ›

They are the three largest owners of most DOW 30 companies. Overall, institutional investors (which may offer both active and passive funds) own 80% of all stock in the S&P 500. Their representation among the top 10 shareholders of U.S. corporations has skyrocketed since the 1990s.

What is the difference between a professional investor and an institutional investor? ›

Institutional investors or professional investors are financial professionals who handle investments for corporations or other large organizations. In contrast, retail investors or private investors are individuals who invest independently based on their own personal choices and the funds available to them.

What is the difference between retail individual investor and non institutional investor? ›

The primary difference between Non-Institutional Investors and Retail Investors is that Non-Institutional Investors typically deal with larger investment amounts and may have access to more sophisticated investment opportunities, while Retail Investors generally invest smaller personal funds and participate in standard ...

What is the difference between institutional and commercial investors? ›

Whereas institutional investors have direct access to opportunities and can by-pass the middleman, retail investors generally buy property through a commercial real estate broker, bank, or invest in a private equity real estate opportunity.

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