The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA (2025)

Table of Contents
The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA If you're looking the very best real estate / MLS photographer in the Shreveport, LA area, then you have found them. 9 Excellent Prices For The Very Best Real Estate / MLS Photography In Shreveport 13 Marvelous Options For High Quality Real Estate / MLS Photography In Shreveport From USHomePhoto Pricing For Best-In-Class Magazine Quality Real Estate Photography Services In Shreveport, LA. Best In Class BASIC (MLS Standard) - $129 / 24 Photos 3 High Quality Options For ECO Real Estate / MLS Listing Photography In Shreveport, LA Best In Class Express Flash - $169 / 24 Photos 3 High Quality Options For Express Flash Real Estate / MLS Listing Photography In Shreveport, LA Magazine Quality PRO Flash - $239 / 24 Photos 3 High Quality Options For PRO Flash Real Estate / MLS Listing Photography In Shreveport, LA Magazine Quality PRO PLUS Flash (INCLUDES DRONE) - $239 / 24 Photos 3 Top Quality Options For PRO PLUS Flash Real Estate / MLS Listing Photography In Shreveport, LA Magazine Quality ELITE Flash (INCLUDES DRONE & LIFESTYLE SHOTS) - $239 / 24 Photos 3 High Quality Options For ELITE Flash Real Estate / MLS Listing Photography In Shreveport, LA Best In Class Quality Aerial / Drone Services & Pricing For Shreveport, LA. 3 Discount Options For Aerial / Drone Photography In Shreveport, LA The Best In High Quality Twilight / Dusk Photography Services & Pricing For Shreveport, LA. High Quality Twilight / Dusk Photography Pricing (exteriors only) For Shreveport, LA FAQs

The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA

The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA (1)


The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA (2)

If you're looking the very best real estate / MLS photographer in the Shreveport, LA area, then you have found them.

USHomePhoto offers exquisite real estate / MLS photography quality, photographer availability, fast turn-around, and pricing that is absolutely the best in Shreveport.

With the very best in high-quality real estate / MLS photography pricing, USHomePhoto's pricing starts at just $129 for 24 photos, it's easy to understand why hundreds of top-notch real estate agents in and around Shreveport trust USHomePhoto with their best listings, and high-end real estate / MLS photography.

For the month of September, 2022, USHomePhoto is offering a "Get To Know US" special of just $124 for your first shoot!

USHomePhoto provides thousands of Shreveport sage real estate agents just like you with the very best in high quality real estate / MLS photography, aerial / drone, twilight, virtual staging, and editing services every single week. Take a few moments to look through our special pricing and see why USHomePhoto is Shreveport's favorite resource for the very best in class, high quality real estate / MLS photography.

Broker Membership Program (25%) Team Membership Program (20%) Realtor Membership Program (15%)

9 Excellent Prices For The Very Best Real Estate / MLS Photography In Shreveport

9 fantastic high quality options for Real Estate photography in Shreveport With pricing for ultra high quality real estate / MLS photography starting at $239, USHomePhoto provides the very best on high quality real estate photography and services for the Shreveport area. Each of these magazine quality, shoots include include FREE MLS Upload*, 2 FREE Videos (branded & unbranded), FREE Sky Replacements, Priority Editing & Scheduling, and much more!
Package Bronze
1001 to 1700 SQFT
1701 to 2400 SQFT
2401 to 3100 SQFT

Magazine Quality Photos (Delivered EOB Next Business Day)

The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA (3)

The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA (4)

The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA (5)

*Magazine cover mock-ups are purely for demonstrative purposes, but were created using actual MLS photos from our PRO / Elite shoots.

13 Marvelous Options For High Quality Real Estate / MLS Photography In Shreveport From USHomePhoto

Don't let our pricing scare you away. Take a look below and see what our members pay.

We know we're not the cheapest in town, but when compared to the 5 major photography resources in the Shreveport, LA area, USHomePhoto offers hands-down, the very best real estate / MLS photography bar none. When you combine our incredible quality with what's available in Shreveport, LA area, and include the very highest quality in customer service, delivery, and editing quality, it's easy to see why USHomePhoto is the favorite among Shreveport, LA Realtors.

Take a look at what USHomePhoto has to offer in the way of heavily discounted options for best-in-class real estate / MLS photography for Shreveport, LA Realtors.

  • High Quality Real Estate / MLS Photography Bargains For The Shreveport Area
    • ECO: $93
    • BASIC: $127
    • EXPRESS: $161
    • PRO: $220
  • High Quality Real Estate Aerial / Drone Options & Pricing For Shreveport
    • 3 Shot Drone - $51
    • 5 Shot Drone - $72
    • 10 Shot Drone - $94
  • High Quality Real Estate Twilight Photography Services & Pricing For Shreveport
    • 4 Photo Session - $110
  • Real Estate Virtual Staging Services & Pricing For Shreveport
    • Single Photo - $50
    • 5 Photos Or More - $35
  • High Quality Options For Real Estate Photo Editing Services In Shreveport
    • 10 Photo Edit - $15.
    • 15 Photo Edit - $19
    • 20 Photo Edit - $22
    • 25 Photo Edit - $26
  • Great Real Estate Photography Discount Programs For Top-Notch Shreveport Real Estate Agents
    • Single Agent Membership (15% Discount) - $99
    • Team Membership (20% Discount / 4 Agents) - $149
    • Brokerage Membership (25% Discount / Entire Brokerage) - $199

The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA (6)

Pricing For Best-In-Class Magazine Quality Real Estate Photography Services In Shreveport, LA.

USHomePhoto offers best-in-class high quality real estate / MLS photography service packages starting at just $110 with our Platinum membership. USHomePhoto provides three different kinds of high quality realty photography to ensure that you have the very best options for your Shreveport, LA listings.

I'm sure you're saying to yourself.. "But, what do these discount photos look like"? I'm glad you asked! Take a look at our Galleries for the answer to that question. We link to local MLS resources for our portfolio so you can see what we actually delivered to our clients.

What Is The Listing Value Of This Property?
Is this property average, or above average in its listing value? Above average listing value homes generally require a higher grade of photography.

Are There Great Views?
If the home has great views through the windows, then you might want to consider FLASH photography as it lends itself to being able to see those great views through the windows.

Is My Client..... Discerning?
If you are working with, or you, yourself are a more discerning individual, then that might be a good indicator that the quality of your photos should stand out above the rest. You definitely want to consider our PRO Flash session for this type of client, or home.

The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA (7)

Best In Class BASIC (MLS Standard) - $129 / 24 Photos

USHomePhoto offers the best high quality ECO photography for your Shreveport, LA listings. USHomePhoto's very high quality ECO photo packages range in price from $129 for up to 24 photos to $149 for up to 50 photos. We refer to the types of photos that you would get from BASIC photography as "MLS Standard" quality. This means that the quality of photo you can expect from ECO photography is equivalent to about 95% of real estate photos that you would see on your typical MLS listing. This is due to the fact that approximately 95% of all real estate photography is done using ECO as its primary photo capture technology.

3 High Quality Options For ECO Real Estate / MLS Listing Photography In Shreveport, LA

Package Bronze
1001 to 1700 SQFT
1701 to 2400 SQFT
2401 to 3100 SQFT

BASIC (HDR) / MLS Standard Photos (Delivered EOB Next Business Day)

The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA (8)

Best In Class Express Flash - $169 / 24 Photos

Express Flash offers a a very high grade "blended flash" photography option that won't break the bank and ranges in price from $169 for up to 24 photos to $189 for up to 50 photos. We refer to the types of photos that you would get from our Express Flash session as "Near Magazine" quality. This means that the quality of photos you can expect from our Express Flash photography is close to magazine quality. Express Flash yields very bright interiors, great color correctness, high contrast, and very saturated colors. Only about 3% of photographers use "blended flash" as their primary technique due to the expense of the equipment, and very high editing costs involved in producing this type of photography for real estate. P.S... Just for clarity's sake.. "Blended Flash" is not where someone plunks a flash on top of their camera, and blasts away. Blended Flash uses powerful, hand-held flashes, or stand flashes to illuminate the room.

3 High Quality Options For Express Flash Real Estate / MLS Listing Photography In Shreveport, LA

Package Bronze
1001 to 1700 SQFT
1701 to 2400 SQFT
2401 to 3100 SQFT

Near-Magazine Quality Photos (Delivered EOB Next Business Day)

The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA (9)

Magazine Quality PRO Flash - $239 / 24 Photos

PRO Flash offers the very best in quality of "blended flash" photography for real estate / MLS listings and discounted pricing ranges from $239 for up to 24 photos to $259 for up to 50 photos. This means that the type of photos that you would get from our PRO Flash session are true Magazine qualitiy photos along par with what you would expect to see as you thumbed through your grocery-store homes or gardens magazine. With our PRO flash session, you can see the marked difference between ECOand Flash right off the bat. Immediately, you will notice the richer colors, higher contrast, and brighter photos. Every room is perfectly lit, and doesn't fall dim like they can with ECO photos. Windows are perfectly see through, and clear. You can see through to the beautiful back yard, ocean views, fabulous deck, or immaculately manicured lawn. Floors are glare free, and so are the cabinets, and counter tops. Photographers use a scientific "Photo Spectrometer" to measure the colors of walls, cabinets, floors, even curtains to ensure perfect color matching. These photos are truly magazine quality, and speak volumes about the home, and the Realtor who selects the PRO session to represent their listing.

3 High Quality Options For PRO Flash Real Estate / MLS Listing Photography In Shreveport, LA

Package Bronze
1001 to 1700 SQFT
1701 to 2400 SQFT
2401 to 3100 SQFT

Magazine Quality Photos (Delivered EOB Next Business Day)

The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA (10)

Magazine Quality PRO PLUS Flash (INCLUDES DRONE) - $239 / 24 Photos

Magazine Quality PRO PLUS Flash offers the very same magazine quality photos as are found in our PRO Flash session, but also includes 5 Shot Drone at heavily discounted rates. Pricing for the PRO PLUS Flash packages range in price from $239 for up to 24 photos to $259 for up to 50 photos. When your listing requires magazine photos PLUS that "birds eye" view, you should consider our PRO PLUS Flash session. With this session, you will get magazine quality photos, and five fantastic drone shots that will make any listing stand out from the crowd.

3 Top Quality Options For PRO PLUS Flash Real Estate / MLS Listing Photography In Shreveport, LA

Package Bronze
1001 to 1700 SQFT
1701 to 2400 SQFT
2401 to 3100 SQFT

ECO (HDR) / Great Photos (Delivered EOB Next Business Day)

BASIC (HDR) / MLS Standard Photos (Delivered EOB Next Business Day)

Near-Magazine Quality Photos (Delivered EOB Next Business Day)

Magazine Quality Photos (Delivered EOB Next Business Day)

The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA (11)

Magazine Quality ELITE Flash (INCLUDES DRONE & LIFESTYLE SHOTS) - $239 / 24 Photos

ELITE Flash offers the very same magazine quality photos as are found in our PRO Flash session, but also includes 10 Shot Drone as well as 10 Lifestyle shots at very heavily discounted rates!

Pricing for the ELITE Flash packages range in price from $239 for up to 24 photos to $259 for up to 50 photos.

USHomePhoto's Elite flash session includes the best-of-the-best options for those listings where nothing but the best will do.

Included in this ultra high-end session are 10 drone shots for multiple birds eye view shots, on water-front properties, or high-acreage properties where you want to show potential buyers just how amazing the property is.

Also included with this amazing session are 10 lifestyle photos that are highly stylized, and can really show the detailed features of a property like nothing else can.

When you really want to make your listing look like it fell right out of a designer magazine, you can take advantage of this ELITE shoot, and get the kinds of photos that will really make your client, and potential buyers say "WOW!"

3 High Quality Options For ELITE Flash Real Estate / MLS Listing Photography In Shreveport, LA

Package Bronze
1001 to 1700 SQFT
1701 to 2400 SQFT
2401 to 3100 SQFT

ECO (HDR) / Great Photos (Delivered EOB Next Business Day)

BASIC (HDR) / MLS Standard Photos (Delivered EOB Next Business Day)

Near-Magazine Quality Photos (Delivered EOB Next Business Day)

Magazine Quality Photos (Delivered EOB Next Business Day)

The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA (12)

Best In Class Quality Aerial / Drone Services & Pricing For Shreveport, LA.

USHomePhoto's high quality aerial photography pricing in the Shreveport, LA area can range from $60 to $159 deepening the number of photos you want, and whether or not the drone shoot is included as part of a full package shoot.
Typically, pricing for top-quality aerial / drone photography will be considerably less expensive when the aerial / drone photography is part of an entire shoot package.
In the case of USHomePhoto's PRO PLUS, and ELITE packages, aerial photography is heavily discounted.
When the drone / aerial photography is sold as a "stand-alone" item, such as when you're droning a lot or property, the pricing is $159.
Bear in mind that the pricing can vary a little if the property is more than 5 acres, or is difficult to navigate with the drone due to obstacles such as power lines, or wooded lots.

3 Discount Options For Aerial / Drone Photography In Shreveport, LA

The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA (13)

The Best In High Quality Twilight / Dusk Photography Services & Pricing For Shreveport, LA.

For the very best in twilight / dusk photography USHomePhoto provides a fantastic way to create impact with your Shreveport, LA listing. When you need the very best twilight photography and need to create impact, or jaw dropping stopping power as a potential buyer is swiping through hundreds or thousands of other real estate photos, there is rarely any better, or cheaper way to do that than with twilight / dusk photography from USHomePhoto. Twilight photography pricing is just $110 and will provide 4 exterior photos.

High Quality Twilight / Dusk Photography Pricing (exteriors only) For Shreveport, LA

The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Barksdale AFB, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Belcher, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Benton, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Bethany, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Blanchard, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Bossier City, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Cotton Valley, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Doyline, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Dubberly, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Elm Grove, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Frierson, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Gilliam, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Gloster, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Grand Cane, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Greenwood, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Haughton, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Heflin, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Hosston, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Keatchie, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Keithville, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Longstreet, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Minden, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Mooringsport, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Oil City, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Plain Dealing, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Princeton, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Ringgold, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Sibley, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Stonewall, LA | The Best Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Vivian, LA |

The BEST Real Estate / MLS Photographer In Shreveport, LA (2025)


How long does it take to edit real estate photos? ›

More often than not, real estate photo editing promises fast turnaround times usually 24 to 48 hours depending on the amount of photos taken.

How do real estate photographers get leads? ›

How do you find real estate photography clients?
  1. Polish your skills as a real estate photographer. ...
  2. Create an impressive real estate photography portfolio. ...
  3. Ask for client referrals. ...
  4. Contact real estate agents directly. ...
  5. Seek out high-value clients. ...
  6. Pay attention to your competition.
3 Mar 2022

How much should you charge as a photographer? ›

“How much should photographers charge?” That's a reasonable question. And a good answer might be $100-300 per hour or $75-350 per image for professional photographers in the United States.

How much should I charge as a beginner photographer? ›

How Much Do Photographers Charge?
LevelPer HourPer Image
Beginners$0 – $50$10 – $25
Amateur$25 to $100$25 to $50
Student$50 to $100$25 to $100
Semi-Pro$75 to $150$50 to $150
2 more rows

Do you tip real estate photographers? ›

Do you tip a real estate photographer? Generally, real estate photographers will be hired by an agency to take photos of their home listings. These companies are not going to be tipping, for sure. If you happen to be listing a home yourself, tipping is not a necessity in this industry.

What time of day is best for real estate photography? ›

The sun is your best friend when shooting photos for real estate listings. Many real estate photographers will tell you the best time of day to break out the camera and start snapping shots of homes for sale is late morning and early afternoon, when the sun is generally shining brightest.

What type of camera do real estate agents use? ›

Best camera for real estate photography in 2022
  • Canon EOS Rebel SL3. The best camera for real estate overall, user-friendly but capable. ...
  • Nikon D3500. The best real estate camera for total beginners, with handy guide modes. ...
  • Nikon D850. ...
  • Matterport Axis. ...
  • DJI Pocket 2. ...
  • Trisio Lite2. ...
  • Insta360 ONE R Twin Edition. ...
  • GoPro MAX.
2 Aug 2022

What is the fastest way to edit real estate pictures? ›

Top 13 Real Estate Photography Editing Techniques
  1. Perform color correcting. Color correction is probably one of the basic and essential steps in real estate photo editing. ...
  2. Straighten the lines. ...
  3. Even out the light. ...
  4. Clean up the image with cloning. ...
  5. Lens correction. ...
  6. Curves. ...
  7. Playing with hue and saturation.
17 Jan 2018

What do real estate photographers use to edit photos? ›

Adobe Photoshop is one of the more advanced programs for real estate photography editing.

What do photographers do when they edit photos? ›

What edits do product photographers make to their images?
  • Cropping to adjust the frame of the photo and draw attention to a specific subject.
  • Straightening to make sure the horizon of the image is level. ...
  • Adjusting brightness to ensure a pleasant exposure.
22 Jan 2020

Is real estate photography hard? ›

Real estate photography is a challenging but fun and potentially lucrative line of work. It can be a great side income, or a full-time career! It might seem simple at first – just take pictures of houses and rooms, and get paid!

How do I find my first photography client? ›

The best place to start is with your friends, family, and people that you know. Talk to friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, and people in any social groups that you're a part of. Tell them that you're starting a photography business and you're offering free or discounted photo sessions to build up your portfolio.

How many pictures should be expected from a 1 hour shoot? ›

In a 30-minute photography session, you could get around 20 photos to choose between, whereas from a 1-hour shoot you should expect 40-50 pictures to look through. Also, think about warm-up time!

How many photos should a photographer give? ›

How many photos should a wedding photographer give? The short and simple answer is ~100 per hour of shooting or roughly 800 photos for 8-hour wedding day coverage.

What should be included in a photography package? ›

Consider the costs of each photo package to keep your pricing fair for customers. This should include: Equipment costs - cameras, lenses, lighting equipment, rental space. The total cost of production of a good or service, which includes its labor and material cost as well, the type of photo editing services you offer.

How do photographers price prints? ›

So how do you price your prints? We know the cost of goods model dictates that your prints should be 2x to 7x the amount it takes to produce the product. Since you will probably be selling with a gallery, they typically charge 20% – 50% of the total sale as a commission .

Why do photographers charge so much? ›

Under US copyright law, photographers own every image that they take. They have the choice to sign over full rights to the client, or to license them for specific uses. The more uses that the images have, and the more eyes that will see them, the higher the cost of licensing because they have more value.

How do you price a mini session? ›

Because there's so much more to this than just editing and shooting, I'd recommend putting your mini-session price around 2/3rds of your normal session price. So if you charge $199 for a session fee normally, you might charge $129 for your mini-session fee.

How much do real estate photographers charge in California? ›

Comparison of average Los Angeles real estate photographer costs by shoot duration
Shoot durationTypical market cost in Los Angeles, CASnappr cost - premium package
1 hour photoshoot$397$149
2 hour photoshoot$636$249
3 hour photoshoot$874$349
4 hour photoshoot$1,113$449
4 more rows

How much does a photo drone cost? ›

A drone for photography or videography costs between $300 and $5000, which is a huge price range. To help you make sense of the different drone prices, we've split your options into three categories. Below, we look at what you can expect from each category, and we share some of the best current examples.

How much do real estate photographers charge Ontario? ›

$249 – PHOTOS SLIDESHOW package for a regular sized real estate listing. $299 – 360 PANOS & PHOTOS package for a regular sized real estate listing. $349 – HD VIDEO TOUR & PHOTOS of a listing with music and optional narration.

How much do real estate photographers make Canada? ›

How much does a Real Estate Photographer make? The national average salary for a Real Estate Photographer is $44,610 in Canada. Filter by location to see Real Estate Photographer salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 110 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Real Estate Photographer employees.

How do I start drone photography? ›

The complete beginner's guide to drone photography
  1. Choose a drone based on your needs and skills. ...
  2. Study the instruction manual carefully. ...
  3. Understand the features of your drone. ...
  4. Learn the federal, state, and local drone regulations. ...
  5. Prepare a pre-flight checklist. ...
  6. Test drive your drone. ...
  7. Learn drone photography techniques.

How much do real estate photographers charge in San Diego? ›

In 2020, for a two-hour real estate photoshoot in San Diego, the average price you can expect to pay the photographer is approximately $425.
Compare the cost of hiring a real estate photographer to other cities in CA.
CityCost of 2 hour photoshoot
San Diego, CA$425
Oxnard, CA$425
Riverside, CA$415
4 more rows

Which drone is best for photos? ›

Best drones for photography
  • DJI Mini SE camera drone. Amazon. ...
  • DJI Mini 3 Pro 4K foldable camera drone. Amazon. ...
  • Autel Robotics Evo Nano+ drone. Autel. ...
  • Ruko F11 GIM2 drone with 4K camera. Amazon. ...
  • DJI Mavic 3 camera drone. Amazon. ...
  • DJI Air 2S drone quadcopter with 4K camera. Amazon.
16 Jun 2022

Which is the best drone camera? ›

The DJI Mavic Air 2 is the best drone for budding aerial photographers and videographers because of its automated obstacle avoidance and 4K camera, as well as how easy it is to fly. Its three-axis gimbal provides effective image stabilization, and its 34-minute battery life means you need to land less often.

How much does it cost to operate a drone for an hour? ›

Commercial drone service providers can charge a rate of $100-$500 per hour, depending on the industry, with the most commonly used rate being about $150 per hour.

Is real estate photography a good business? ›

Real estate photography is a challenging but fun and potentially lucrative line of work. It can be a great side income, or a full-time career! It might seem simple at first – just take pictures of houses and rooms, and get paid!

How much do real estate photographers make UK? ›

Salary - £23,000 - £27,000 per annum, depending on experience.

Do you need a flash for Real Estate Photography? ›

One of the necessary parts of real estate photography is using flash. This is something that every beginning photographer should learn. This is definitely handy in real estate.

Can I make money as a real estate photographer? ›

How much does a Real Estate Photographer make in California? The average Real Estate Photographer salary in California is $59,027 as of September 26, 2022, but the range typically falls between $49,133 and $72,596.

How profitable is a Real Estate Photography business? ›

How much profit can a real estate photography business make? Like most startup businesses, it can take one to three years to realize a significant profit. Independent real estate photographers average an annual profit of $50,000, with many exceeding $90,000 per year.

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Article information

Author: Trent Wehner

Last Updated:

Views: 5795

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.