10 Safest Cities In Panama (2024)

Whether you are in search of a safe place to live in the nation of Panama or you are looking for an awesome vacation destination, there is no shortage of options to choose from.

However, safety is always going to come first in these instances.

That’s where this helpful guide comes into play.

With apopulationof 4.5 million, aproperty crime rate of 2,110 per 100K, and amurder rateof 11.6 per 100K, there is more safety to be found here than most might expect.

Read on to learn more about the safest cities that the nation has to offer!


  • 10 Safest Cities In Panama
    • Panama City
    • Boquete
    • Coronado
    • Bocas del Toros
    • El Valle de Antón
    • Chitre/Las Tablas
    • Pedasi
    • Santa Fe
    • David
    • Volcan
  • 5 Safety Tips for Traveling to Panama
    • Research First!
    • Do Not Use Taxis
    • Do Not Be Flashy
    • Avoid Drugs
    • Do Not Leave Valuables Unattended
  • Panama Safety Overview
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • What Is The Best Time of Year To Visit?
    • Will I Need an Electricity Adapter or Converter?
    • Is Panama Suitable For Children?

10 Safest Cities In Panama

10 Safest Cities In Panama (1)

Panama City

Of course, no list would be complete without the nation’s capital.

You can come to check out the early cathedral and take in all of the historythat this city has to offer.

Meanwhile, there are also an array of lush beaches to check out and a vibrant local culture to participate in.

Panama City is also considered to be one of the safest cities in the country, with crime levels that are low to moderate.

However, the El Chorrillo and Curundú neighborhoods should beavoided.

If visitors plan on visiting Casco Viejo, they are advised to take a taxi, as opposed to walking, as El Chorrillo surrounds it.

10 Safest Cities In Panama (2)


Boquete is aquietmountain town that has been attracting visitors from all over the world for decades now.

There are coffee plantations to visit, all sorts of scenic attractions to enjoy and the annual jazz festival is a must-see.

There is also a large community of ex-pats here who can vouch for the town’s level of safety.

Assault, armed robbery, drug use, and drug dealing are all considered to have low rates, which will put any traveler’s mind at ease.

In fact, violent crime is considered to be anonfactorin Boquete.

That is one of the many reasons why so many ex-pats retire to this town in particular.

10 Safest Cities In Panama (3)


This tiny beach town simply does not have the issues that larger cities may have because there are so few residents!

Outside of visitors, there are only600 full-time residents of this beach town, which is located just outside of Panama City.

It is a popular location for those who seek peaceful summer homes to vacation in.

Thanks to its small population and laid-back residents, Coronado ranks highly among thesafestplaces to live in the country.

There is even a police station conveniently located right at the town’s entrance, which only serves to enhance the feelings of safety that visitors and residents enjoy.

10 Safest Cities In Panama (4)

Bocas del Toros

With very low incidences of violent crime, Bocas del Toros is believed to be one of thesafestlocations in Panama for visitors.

Theft can become an issue but not when travelers take simple precautions to avoid pickpockets and petty criminals.

It is a laid-back tropical enclave that does not offer too much in the way of violent crime either.

The crimes that take place here are known as crimes ofopportunity.

In fact, many of the crimes that take place against Americans here are perpetrated by fellow Americans.

You stand very little chance of being victimized as long as you are not giving other travelers the chance to attack.

10 Safest Cities In Panama (5)

El Valle de Antón

This location is often chosen by Americantravelers because of the cooler climate, natural beauty, and close proximity to Panama City.

The Coronado beaches region may be popular as well but El Valle de Anton’s higher elevation (nearly 600 meters) makes it a great spot for those who wish to avoid excessive heat.

Whether you are walking alone in the daylight or during the nighttime, the crime rate at El Valle de Anton is quitelow.

Car theft, muggings, and robberies are also considered to be rare here.

Visitors also love having the chance to quickly make their way to the Coronado region and many affluentPanama City residents make their way to second homes in El Valle de Anton on weekends.

10 Safest Cities In Panama (6)

Chitre/Las Tablas

This town and city are located in Panama’s Azuero Peninsula region.

Chitre is larger and this is where all of the major chains are located. Los Tablas is a smaller town and serves as the region’s cultural hub.

The yearly Carnival celebrations lure a number of Americans and there are also a sizable number of ex-pats here.

Las Tablas is considered to be one of the safest places on theplanet, let alone Panama.

The crime index is very low, while the safetyindexremains high.

As for Chitre,localswill tell you that this is one of the safest cities in the country.

Visitors and locals alike are able to mingle without any major worries or concerns.

10 Safest Cities In Panama (7)


Ex-pats adore this Panama beach town and it is easy to see why.

Thecost of livingis very low, as is the cost of housing, making this a great vacation destination as well.

The community is close-knit, with no shortage of events and activities for visitors to enjoy.

The population is small and Las Tables is only 45 minutes away.

Within 90 minutes, travelers can make their way to Chitre.

Of course, with a population of only3,000, the crime rate is rather low.

Petty crimecan take place from time to time but is not considered to be the type of problem that you need to plan a vacation around.

There is a Sunday marketto visit and restaurants range from casual to upscale.

Crime is not a concern, as many of these incidents are easy to avoid.

10 Safest Cities In Panama (8)

Santa Fe

Located just 45 minutes from Santiago, Santa Fe is nestled in a gorgeous rural area.

Ex-pats who would like to spend time in an area that is more true to the actual Panamanian experience often choose Santa Fe.

Santa Fe National Parkis a very popular destination for those who spend time in this region.

Santiago is readily accessible but Santa Fe serves as a great location for those looking to stay safe.

Thetemperateclimate is a plus, as is the nonexistent crime rate.

With a population of just3,000, these are not worries that the average resident has to concern themselves with.

10 Safest Cities In Panama (9)


Those who are in search of a larger city that can provide the necessary safety are always more than welcome in the city ofDavid.

As the second largest city in the country, it offers up a different vibe than what Panama City visitors might be used to.

It is the hottest city in Central America, though, which is something you will want to bear in mind.

The crime index in David is low but the safety index ishigh.

It is considered to be a very safe place to walk around, whether it is daytime or nighttime.

The number of muggings, robberies, and car thefts is also quite low.

Attacks and hate crimes are not common, either.

10 Safest Cities In Panama (10)


This small town is located in Panama’s Chiriqui province.

It is a common choice for many travelers because its higherelevationprovides a cooler climate.

Volcan is a smaller town that is not as developed, providing visitors with a chance to get off the beaten path.

It is a slow-paced existence that suits many just fine.

Like many other locations in Panama, Volcan’s crime rate is low as long as the properprecautionsare taken.

In other words, if you operate with the same common sense that you would normally, you will not have any issues.

The crime rate is never at zero but it is not something that should concern a visitor who is not taking unnecessary risks.

5 Safety Tips for Traveling to Panama

Astute readers may have noticed a repeated emphasis on taking the proper precautions when it comes to the safer cities that Panama has to offer.

Now, the time has come for us to take a closer look at the most crucial tips and pointers so that we know what these precautionsentail.

Research First!

Do not make the mistake of heading to a neighborhood or region where you have not already done your homework on.

Before booking a trip, a hotel room, or any other form of accommodation, do some research so you can avoid difficulties.

Do Not Use Taxis

Uber is your best bet in these instances, although you can use taxis that are being provided by the hotel where you are staying.

Ride-sharing platforms are much safer than yellow taxis.

Do Not Be Flashy

Flashy jewelry, designer clothing, and other forms of ostentatious dress should be avoided.

Someone who is flashing a great deal of wealth is someone who could be putting themselves at risk.

Your fellow Americans are just as much of a risk to rob you in these scenarios, as they look to fund their trips through the losses of those who are less thoughtful.

Avoid Drugs

Sure, it may seem like a fun idea at the moment but there is no reason to get involved with street dealers.

This is how you end up in neighborhoods that are not as hospitable, as you are advertising that you have the cash to spare.

Steer clear of street hustlers entirely, as they know how to spot the Americans who are out of their element.

Do Not Leave Valuables Unattended

In other words, take the same precautions that you would in your home country.

There is no reason to leave your bags unattended in America, so why would you come to Panama and start throwing all caution to the wind?

Do not leave anything that you would not want to be stolen out where it can be taken.

Panama Safety Overview

READ THE FULL REPORT: Panama Safety Review

Safety Index:


10 Safest Cities In Panama (11)


Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Best Time of Year To Visit?

You can visit Panama during any time of year but the dry season is considered to be a much better choice than the wet season.

Panama’sdry seasonstarts in the middle of December and stretches into the middle of April.

If you are there during the wet season, the downpours tend to be heavy and brief.

If you can handle this aspect of the equation, you will enjoy much smaller crowds.

Will I Need an Electricity Adapter or Converter?

For the most part, Panama uses 110-voltelectricity, just like the US.

That does not mean that you should make the mistake of assuming.

There are still unpredictable outlets that may run on 220-volt electricity.

Be sure to ask your hotel before plugging up, just to be on the safe side.

Is Panama Suitable For Children?

Yes, there are plenty of activities in Panama that are suitable for your little ones.

Transportation times tend to be on the shorter side, so there is less chance of being bored.

Whether your kids are interested in rainforest hikes, beach trips, or boat rides on the canal, there is a wide range of outings that can be planned with them in mind.

Additional Resources

  • 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Panama
  • 10 Safest Cities in Chile
  • 10 Safest Cities in Latvia
  • 10 Safest Cities in El Salvador
  • 10 Safest Cities in New Zealand
  • 10 Safest Cities in the U.S.
10 Safest Cities In Panama (2024)


10 Safest Cities In Panama? ›

Our Central American adventure continues in Boquete, Panama. The expats here say it is the best place in the world to retire early because of the low cost of living, great weather, and many things to do.

Where do most American retirees live in Panama? ›

Our Central American adventure continues in Boquete, Panama. The expats here say it is the best place in the world to retire early because of the low cost of living, great weather, and many things to do.

Is Panama a safe place for Americans to live? ›

Is it dangerous to live in Panama? Most regions are generally safe. It is, however, recommended that one be vigilant, especially in the capital, where the risk of robbery and assault is higher than in other major western cities such as Paris or New York.

What is the best city to stay in Panama? ›

If you want to explore Panama's mysterious cloud forests and its amazing biodiversity, La Palma, with the best of the countries national parks, is one of the best places to stay in Panama. If you're here for a dash of the Central American lifestyle, Panama City is for you.

What is the best place to live in Panama? ›

The 5 Best Places to Live in Panama for Expats
  1. David.
  2. Panama City. ...
  3. El Valle de Anton. ...
  4. Boquete. Boquete is a small mountain town in the western highlands of Panama. ...
  5. Las Tablas/Chitre. Las Tablas is located on Panama's Azuero Peninsula, about four hours from Panama City. ...

Can I collect social security in Panama? ›

If you receive Social Security benefits and live in Panama, you may need to contact the Social Security Regional Office by sending an email to FBU.CostaRica@SSA.Gov to continue receiving benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) relies on beneficiaries to report events that may affect their benefits.

How much do you need to retire comfortably in Panama? ›

One of the main reasons people choose to retire in Panama is the low cost of living. Depending on your lifestyle, you can live comfortably in Panama for anywhere from $2,000 to $3,000 per month.

What are the downsides of living in Panama? ›

The biggest drawback of living in Panama for expats is the language barrier. English is not widely spoken in the country, and this can be extremely problematic for performing everyday errands such as shopping for groceries or visiting public hospitals if the staff aren't multilingual.

How long can a US citizen live in Panama? ›

Familiarizing yourself with immigration requirements will help get your visit off to the best start possible. Immigration requirements vary depending on your nationality but most international visitors can stay in Panama for 90-180 days without applying for a visa.

Where to stay away from in Panama? ›

The “Mosquito Gulf” is an extremely remote and inaccessible area along part of the north (Caribbean) coast. Do not travel within 10 miles of the coastline, from Boca de Rio, Chiriqui to Cocle del Norte. Drug trafficking and other illicit activities occur in this area.

Which side of Panama is better? ›

To recap: Most beach-seeking expats gravitate toward Panama's Pacific Coast for convenience. But Panama's Caribbean Coast boasts the best beaches. And if you're an intrepid sort, it may be well worth your time to check it out.

What is the most luxurious city in Panama? ›

Punta Pacifica is Panama City's most expensive neighborhood. The neighborhood has man-made islands, private marinas, and penthouses worth $5 million. I stayed at the five-star JW Marriott Panama and experienced the neighborhood's luxury firsthand.

Where do US retirees live in Panama? ›

While there aren't many planned communities solely for retirees in Panama, the following communities are popular among US retirees:
  • Red Frog Beach in Bocas del Toro.
  • Tucan Country Club just outside of Panama City.
  • Costa Pedasi in Pedasi.
Aug 18, 2023

What is the cheapest city to live in Panama? ›

some of the cheapest places to live in Panama include smaller towns and rural areas outside major cities like Panama City and David. Places like Boquete, Volcán, Las Tablas, and Pedasí are known for their lower cost of living compared to urban centers.

Is it a good idea to move to Panama? ›

Panama has better infrastructure than Costa Rica and the rest of Central America, better safety than Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, or Belize, and lots to offer Americans who want to move abroad. Panama often ranks tops for retirees, but its cosmopolitan capital is also a winner for working families and digital nomads.

What are the cons of living in Panama? ›

The biggest drawback of living in Panama for expats is the language barrier. English is not widely spoken in the country, and this can be extremely problematic for performing everyday errands such as shopping for groceries or visiting public hospitals if the staff aren't multilingual.

How safe is Panama for retirees? ›

Safety: While there are some places that should be avoided, Panama is the second-safest country in Central America, second only to Costa Rica. Landscapes: Panama is a beautiful country with lots of geographic diversity, from beaches to rainforests, mountains, volcanoes, and more.

Is Costa Rica or Panama the best place to retire? ›

Retirement in Costa Rica offers biodiversity and adventurous attractions, while Panama boasts modern infrastructure and a comfortable lifestyle. Both countries have a lower cost of living compared to the US and the UK, but Panama's economy is more stable.

Is it cheaper to live in Panama than the US? ›

The cost of living in Panama is generally considered to be lower than many other countries in the region, and especially lower than countries like U.S., Canada and western Europe. The cost of living will vary depending on where you live, your lifestyle, and your preferences.

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.