How Much Does Lead Generation Cost? (2024)

The biggest question in marketers' minds ishow much lead generation costs.

Since the average spending on digital advertisem*nts increases yearly, you will want to knowwhether your money is well spent or wasted.

We will pinpoint the essentials of lead generation costs so that you can make informed decisions. Let's begin!

Types of Lead Generation Costs

The vital thing to know is that there are two types ofleadsbecause the terms marketing and sales carry different characteristics within themselves:

  • The first type of lead isMarketing Qualified Leads (MQLs), which are the potential prospects you were able to persuade.
  • The second lead type isSales Qualified Leads (SQLs), which arecustomers engaged with your business. There are ways, like downloading an ebook, purchasing a product, or making a reservation.

There are several types of costs associated with lead generation, including the following:

Advertising costs:These are the costs associated with placing ads in various media outlets, such as print, online, television, or radio, to attract leads.

Marketing costs:Costs associated with promoting products or services to potential customers, including email marketing, social media marketing, and content marketing.

Sales costs:These are associated with the sales process, including salaries and commissions for salespeople and the cost of materials such as brochures and product samples.

Lead generation software costs:These are the costs associated with using specialized software to generate leads, such as marketing automation software or customer relationship management (CRM) software.

Lead generation service costs:Outsourcing lead generation to a third-party service provider, such as a telemarketing firm or a lead generation agency.

Personnel costs:Hiring and training employees, such as salespeople or marketing professionals, to handle lead generation activities.

Cost per Lead (CPL)

Cost per Lead, or CPL, is one of the most used metrics to evaluate the efficiency of a digital marketing campaign and how much lead generation costs.

And the formula of CPL is very straightforward:

CPL= Total cost spent on a digital marketing program/ Number of leads coming from the program

Let's say youhave spent $1,000 on a pay-per-click (PPC) advertisem*nt, and50 people were convertedinto leads.

  • Cost per Lead = $1,000 / 50 = $20.

Remember that generating leads is about ahigh return on investment in your customer acquisition.

The higher the ROI, the more costly a lead is, and thelower the ROI, the less likely you are to pay for obtaining leads.

The average cost per leadvaries based on your industry, lead generation channel, company size, and company revenue.

CPL differs widely depending on

  • the industry,
  • the profundity of your target audience,
  • the competition in your sector.

When it comes to the amounts and the cost-influencing factors, it is better to explore them!

Average Cost per Lead by Industry

If the industry alters, the average cost per lead focuses on revenue and the changing elements based on the industry you belong to.

Below, you can see the table we prepared for you.

IndustryCost per Lead on Average
Average Cost per Lead by Industry
Real Estate$448
Higher Education$982
B2B SaaS$237
Hotels & Resorts$266
Staffing & Recruiting$497
Environmental Services$278
Financial Services$653

Source: First Page Sage's Average Cost Per Lead Report in 2024

Average Cost per Lead by Lead Generation Channel

Lead generation channels are the means of reaching more, and themore channels, the better.

Below, you can see the table we prepared.

Average Cost per Lead by Lead Generation Channel
Lead Generation ChannelCost per Lead on Average
Online Retargeting$31
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)$31
Email Marketing$53
Social Media Advertising$58
Display Advertising$63
LinkedIn Advertising$75
Content Marketing$92
Search Engine Advertising$110
Video Marketing$174
Public Relations$294
Traditional Marketing (TV, Radio, Print)$619
Event & Tradeshows$811

Average Cost per Lead by Company Size

The average cost per lead can vary significantly depending on various factors, including the company's size.

In general,small businesses tend to have higher costs per leadthan largerbusinessesbecause they maynothavethe sameeconomies of scale or access to the same resources.

How Much Does Lead Generation Cost? (1)

However,itis difficultto providea specific average cost per lead by company size, as many other factors can impact this metric, such as the industry, target market, marketing strategies, and sales processes.

Average Cost per Lead by Company Revenue

Itis difficultto give an average cost per lead by company revenue, as thecostper lead can vary widely depending on various factors.

Thatbeing said, in general,companies with higher revenues often tend to have a lower cost per leadthan companies with lower revenues.

Thisis becausecompanies with higher revenues often have larger marketing budgetsand can afford to invest more in lead-generation efforts.

They may also have more resources to optimize their marketing campaigns and target their efforts more effectively, resulting in a higher return on investment.

For example, a high-revenue company in the software industry with a large marketing budget may have a lower cost per lead than a low-revenue company in the same industry with a smaller marketing budget.

How Much Does Lead Generation Cost? (2)

On the other hand,a low-revenue company in a niche market with a targeted marketing strategy may have a lower cost per lead than a high-revenue company in the same market with a less focused approach.

It's worth noting thatthe cost per lead can also vary depending on the specific goalsof a company's marketing campaign.

For example, a company that is targetinga very specificaudience and willing to pay a higher cost per lead to reach that audience may end up with a lower overall cost per lead if its marketing efforts are successful and it can generate a high number of qualified leads.

Costs of Lead Generation Service Providers

Another option to increase leads is topay a third party to generate leads for your business.

In some cases, gettinghelp from companies in the lead generation sector would be more effective than spending your money and time on obtaining leads by yourself.

Especially if you are a small business with a small database of prospects, you may let someone else develop an extensive database for youwhileyou focus oncustomer retentionstrategies within the company.

The problem with those companies is that they offer you a temporary solution.

When you stop paying to obtain leads, they willsimultaneouslystop generating leads for you.

Therefore, youneed to constitutean efficient plan to keep those leads and turn them into loyal customers.

No matter which path you choose, you should;

  • set clear objectives,
  • start an accurate program for the job,
  • track your results to find the best strategy.

Here are some of the companies that may help you generate more leads, their services, and their prices are given;

Lead Generation Service Providers
PopupsmartHigh converting popup builder digital marketing toolsFree/$32.5/mo
Email Search EngineLinkedIn email finder & prospecting tool$29/mo
LinkedIn Sales NavigatorSearching for leads and features$99/mo
MailshakeOutbound email generation$29/user/mo
VyperCreating contents, promotions and social media buzz generation$149/mo
ClickFunnelsBuilding sales funnels and webpages$147/mo
CallpageEngaging the user to a phone call$31/mo
DatanyzeSearching for leads based on specific conditions$21/mo

How to Evaluate How many Leads do you Need

As the main aim of a marketer is to maximize efficiency in campaigns, you must understandhow many leads you need to hit the revenue goal of your business.

This analysis requires information about your company data elements like;

Targeted Revenue:The amount of revenue you aim to reach at the end of a period

Marketing-Driven Revenue:The portion of total income acquired thanks to marketing efforts.

Average Sales Price (ASP):Net Sales/Number of Units Sold

Marketing-Driven Deals:Marketing-Driven Revenue/Average Sales Price

Opportunity-to-Sale Ratio:How close you are to turning one lead into a customer out of the total number of leads

Qualified Lead-to-Opportunity Ratio:How many leads it takes to turn one lead into a customer

Lead-to-Qualified-Lead Ratio:How much analysis is necessary to turn one lead into a converting customer

Now, let's evaluate one example together:

  • Suppose you aim to reach $100,000 in revenue by the end of the month.
  • Yourmarketing-driven revenueis $45,000 at the end of the month.
  • TheASPis calculatedat $5,000.
  • Marketing Driven Deals: $45,000 / $5,000 = $9
  • The opportunity-to-sales ratiois predicted as 3, which means you can turn one lead into a customer out of 3 leads.
  • Number of OpportunitiesNeeded: 3 x 9 = 27
  • The qualified lead-to-opportunity ratiois foreseenas 6, which means you can turn one lead into a converting customer if you have at least6leads.
  • Number of LeadsNeeded: 6 x 27 = 162

What youcan deduce from this exampleisthatyou need to have at least 162 leads to obtain zero profit.

Rather than making calculations to know the lead break-even point for your digital campaign, some tools will automatically provide you with the same information.

How to Optimize the Lead Generation Costs

How Much Does Lead Generation Cost? (3)

Mastering lead generation costs is crucial for businesses seeking sustainable growth and maximum return on investment (ROI).

Here's a quick guide to help you navigate the intricacies of lead generation cost optimization:

Conduct a Thorough Budget Breakdown

  • Channel Analysis:Evaluate the performance and cost-effectiveness of each marketing channel you use for lead generation, including paid advertising (Google Ads, social media ads), content marketing, email marketing, and SEO.
  • Campaign Assessment:Break down the budget allocated to individual campaigns within each channel. Identify high-performing campaigns generating quality leads at a reasonable cost per acquisition (CPA) and underperforming campaigns draining resources without delivering desired results.
  • Cost-Per-Lead (CPL) Evaluation:Calculate the CPL for each campaign by dividing the total campaign expenditure by the number of leads generated. This analysis provides insights into the cost-efficiency of different lead generation initiatives.

Implement Targeted Segmentation Strategies

  • Audience Segmentation:Divide your target audience intodistinctsegments based on demographic information, psychographic characteristics, behavior patterns, and purchase intent. Tailor your lead generation campaigns to address each segment's specific needs and preferences.
  • Personalized Messaging:Craft customized messaging and offers that resonate with different audience segments' unique interests and pain points. Personalization enhances engagement and increases the likelihood of conversion, leading to higher ROI on your marketing investments.
  • Lookalike Audience Expansion:Identify your most valuable customer segments and leverage lookalike audience targeting to reach new prospects with similar characteristics and behaviors.

Focus on Metrics and Analytics

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):Define and track relevant KPIs such as conversion rate, cost per lead, customer acquisition cost (CAC), return on ad spend (ROAS), and lifetime value (LTV) of customers. These metrics provide actionable insights into the effectiveness and profitability of your lead generation efforts.
  • Attribution Analysis:Understand the contribution of each marketing touchpoint throughout the customer journey in generating leads and driving conversions.
  • A/B Testing:Continuously experiment with different ad creatives, messaging variations, landing page designs, and conversion paths to identify the most effective combinations that yield the highest conversion rates at the lowest cost.

Use Marketing Automation & Optimization Tools

  • Marketing Automation Platforms:Invest in robust marketing automation software streamlining lead nurturing, email marketing, lead scoring and customer segmentation processes. Automation tools help reduce manual effort, increase operational efficiency, and deliver personalized experiences at scale.
  • CRM Integration:Integrate your marketing automation platform with a customer relationship management (CRM) system to centralize lead data, track interactions across touchpoints, and facilitate seamless communication between marketing and sales teams.
  • Ad Optimization Tools:Explore advanced ad optimization tools and algorithms that leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize bidding strategies, ad placements, targeting parameters, and ad creative elements in real time.

Continuously Refine Conversion Tactics

  • Landing Page Optimization:Optimize landing pages for conversion by enhancing page load speed, improving user experience (UX) design, crafting compelling headlines and copy, adding persuasive visuals, and simplifying the conversion process with clear CTAs and minimal form fields.
  • Lead Magnet Enhancement:Create irresistible lead magnets such as ebooks, webinars, or exclusive offers to incentivize prospects to provide their contact information. Continuously iterate on the content and format oflead magnet ideasbased on audience feedback and performance data to maximize their lead generation potential.
  • Follow-Up and Nurturing:Implement a strategic follow-up and lead nurturing process to engage with leads at every stage of the buying journey.

To Cut a Long Story Short…

To sum up, if your overall lead value is more than your total lead cost, your lead generation program isawinningone!

Now that you know the details ofthe cost of lead generation, you are ready to become a digital marketing hero in your workplace.

Don't forget to apply these in your lead generation marketingstrategy in your business!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there any Free or Low-Cost Lead Generation Tactics that I can Use?

There are several free or low-cost lead generation tactics that you can use, such as:

  • Social media marketing
  • Blogging and content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • SEO
  • Networking and referrals

2. Is it more Cost-Effective to Generate Leads In-House or to Outsource the Process?

The answer to this question depends on various factors, including thesize of your company, the complexity of your lead generation efforts, andthe resources you have available.

In some cases, generating leads in-house may be more cost-effective, particularly if you have the expertise and resources to do so effectively.

However, in other cases,outsourcing lead generation to a professional agency or consultant may be a more cost-effective option, allowing you to tap into specialized expertise and save on in-house labor costs.

3. How can I Lower the Cost of Lead Generation?

There are several strategies you can use to lower the cost of lead generation, including:

  • Focusing on tactics that are relatively low-cost, such as content marketing and social media advertising.
  • Optimizing your website and online presence to increase the conversion rate of your leads.
  • Implementing automated lead nurturing processes to save on manual labor costs.
  • Partnering with other companies to co-market and share lead generation costs.

4. What Affects Lead Pricing?

High-quality leads from engaged audiences typically cost more. Leads sourced from premium channels like industry-specific websites or social media platforms may come at a premium.

Increased competition in your industry can drive up lead prices as advertisers bid for the same audience.It can vary based on the geographic location and the local market demand.

Different lead generation methods can have varying costs associated with them. Bulk purchases or subscription-based lead packages often offer discounts compared to individual lead purchases.

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  • 15 Must-Know Lead Generation Automation Solutions in 2024
  • What is a Quality Lead? 6 Ways to Boost Your Lead Quality
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  • 16 Essential Lead Generation Statistics You Should Know
How Much Does Lead Generation Cost? (2024)


How much should you pay for lead generation? ›

Price ranges of lead generation services

For small businesses, basic services might start at $500 to $1,500 per month. Mid-sized to large companies could be looking at $5,000 to $20,000 monthly, reflecting more extensive, multi-channel strategies.

How do you calculate lead generation cost? ›

The formula for cost per lead is simple. Just take your total marketing spend and divide it by the total number of new leads. This will give you your cost per lead (CPL).

What is lead generation fee? ›

Lead Generation Fee means the charge s that the Client shall pay Centaur for the delivery of the Lead Generation Services;“Lead Generation Services”means the marketing and promotion services to be provided by Centaur to the Client as detailed in the Booking Form;“Recording Content”means the Client's speaking ...

What is a reasonable cost per lead? ›

It of course depends on your industry, but overall a good cost per lead is just as much (or ideally less) than your gross profit per sale. So if for example getting a sale gives you a total amount of money of 100$ after your total costs and expenses, your cost per lead should be 100$ or under.

Is it worth it to pay for leads? ›

Pros of Buying Leads

Fast and convenient: Buying leads gives you immediate access to contacts who might be interested in legal services. This can save you time compared to marketing your business and generating leads through your own efforts, like through law firm SEO.

Is lead gen worth it? ›

Lead generation businesses are an excellent way for experienced salespeople and marketers to put their skills to the test and get paid for it. There's a low barrier to entry, but don't let that fool you. Clients won't want to work with you if the leads you send them are low quality and uninterested.

What is the hourly rate for a lead generator? ›

The average lead generation specialist salary in the United Kingdom is £28,500 per year or £14.62 per hour.

What is the average lead generation rate? ›

Rates will vary from industry to industry, too. Still, there are important baselines to keep in mind. Generally speaking, an average lead conversion rate is around 7%. If your company has a rate of more than 10%, you are sitting in a good position.

How much does lead generation cost for a business? ›

Generally speaking, and of course, depending on the industry, you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $2,000+ per 1,000 contacts for a decent B2B lead list from reputable lead generation companies.

How do you charge clients for lead generation? ›

Here's how it works:
  1. You work out how much it costs to obtain a lead for a client. Then, you add a profit margin and arrive at a “per lead” price. ...
  2. You enter into an agreement with the new client.
  3. You get the client leads.
  4. The client pays you for those leads.
Dec 17, 2022

How to price a lead? ›

How to calculate cost per lead (with a free calculator)
  1. Calculate the Average Order Value (AOV): Formula: AOV = Total Revenue from Leads / Total Number of Leads. ...
  2. Divide the AOV by 3: Formula: AOV / 3. ...
  3. Calculate the Cost Per Lead based on the Conversion Rate: Assume a specific conversion rate (e.g., 5%).

How do I start Pay Per Lead? ›

If you want to be successful in Pay Per Lead advertising, you'll need to focus on a vertical or niche to specialise in. For those of you who are used to retainer contracts, you'll know that it's all about the grind. But when you start getting into Pay Per Lead, it's a good idea to niche down.

How to calculate per lead cost? ›

Cost Per Lead Formula

Calculating the cost per lead (CPL) metric involves dividing the expenses attributable to marketing campaigns by the number of acquired leads. For example, if a startup spent $10,000 on social media ads in a month and acquired 200 new leads, the cost per lead (CPL) is $50.

Why are leads so expensive? ›

Main factors influencing the cost of leads

Lead quality – The more relevant and specific your leads are, the more money they tend to cost. Remember that a lead isn't a paying customer (yet!). You'll still need to nurture them, speak to them on a call or direct them to the best product for them.

Why is my cost per lead so high? ›

The level of competition in your industry is a factor that impacts CPL. If your industry is highly competitive, then the cost of acquiring leads will be higher. However, there are still things you can do to optimize your CPL, such as targeting niche markets, highlighting your unique value, and refining your targeting.

What is a good lead generation rate? ›

Rates will vary from industry to industry, too. Still, there are important baselines to keep in mind. Generally speaking, an average lead conversion rate is around 7%. If your company has a rate of more than 10%, you are sitting in a good position.

How much do realtors spend on lead generation? ›

While there are several factors to consider like cost per conversion (CPC) and cost per lead (CPL), the short answer is that a good starting budget for online lead generation for real estate agents is $1,500 per month.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.