Council Post: Top Trends Impacting The Alternative Investment Market (2025)

Thomas H. Ruggie, Founder & CEO, Destiny Family Office.

According to PwC, global assets under management (AuM) are expected to top $145.4 trillion in 2025, nearly double the $84.9 trillion in 2016. The same research predicts that alternative investments will reach $21.1 trillion by 2025, representing 15% of all AuM.

During periods of economic uncertainty, alternative investing options are an attractive way for individuals to diversify their portfolios. Thanks to changes in the industry and technology, there's never been a better time to get into the world of alternative investing. To gain the most benefit, however, there are several trends investors should keep in mind.

Democratization Of Alternative Investment Opportunitiesew things have impacted the alternative investment market as much as its democratization and the increased access to opportunities that people now have. One example is crowdfunding. For many investors dipping their feet into the world of alternative investing, crowdfunding is one of the easiest ways to try it. Crowdfunding has successfully kicked off everything from one-off projects to entire companies, providing lucrative opportunities for investors.

More established investors are enjoying easier access to private lending opportunities. Following the financial crisis of 2008, many organizations struggle to acquire financing from traditional sources. This makes private lending an attractive opportunity, for both organizations and investors.


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Another way the market has been democratized is via increased awareness. For example, I was surprised by the number of younger people buying sports memorabilia at the National Sports Collectors Convention. Often these individuals aren't buying items because they're related to their favorite players, but because they recognize the investment opportunity.

Investors Will Continue To Look For Unique OpportunitiesWhen the housing market crashed in 2008, many investors saw an opportunity to buy houses for pennies on the dollar because they had the cash on hand. Fast forward a few years and one of the reasons the housing market has boomed in Florida is because those investors were able to invest when the opportunity arose.

This trend will continue to repeat itself any time there is an economic downturn or recession. Those who have cash will use it to further diversify and take advantage of investment opportunities.

Investors Will Back Companies That AdaptAs the technological landscape continues to change, companies will be divided into those that effectively adapt and those that do not. For example, Amazon quickly adapted to the rise of e-commerce and now dominates the field. In contrast, Walmart has been trying for years to catch up with Amazon but still has a long way to go. Similarly, Tesla jumped to an early lead in the EV market, while companies like GM and Ford continue to struggle with the transition.

This dichotomy between companies that can adapt versus those that cannot will continue to create opportunities for savvy investors, especially those looking for alternative investments. Hedge funds, private equity and direct investments present opportunities for investors to back companies that demonstrate an ability to adapt to new technologies.

Investors Must AdaptInvestors often approach the alternative investment market not realizing how much it differs from traditional investments. There are a number of benefits to the alternative market, the possibility for a better return being chief among them. There are also benefits related to portfolio diversification and less correlation to the public market, giving investors a cushion against the ups and downs of traditional investments.

Despite the advantages, alternative investments do have unique challenges, especially when it comes to reporting, liquidity and taxes.

• Reporting: Unlike traditional investments, performance reporting in the alternative market often lags behind and lacks the transparency investors are accustomed to with publicly traded companies. Information investors are used to seeing in publicly traded companies is not readily available with private equity and direct investments. As a result, investors have to put in more work to research the companies they are invested in and keep up with developments.

In addition to the lack of transparency, it's not uncommon for reporting in the private equity and direct investment market to lag behind by at least a couple of months. I have had clients come to me confused about why their statement doesn't reflect the previous month's activity when they know the company they've invested in had a stellar month. Nine times out of 10, it's because that information will not be on any statement for at least a couple more months.

• Liquidity: Another difference investors must adapt to is the lack of liquidity. Unlike a traditional investment that can be quickly cashed out when the stock jumps, many alternative investment opportunities tie up funds for longer periods of time.

For example, in the case of private equity or direct investments, liquidity can be tied up until there is a major liquidity event, such as the company going public or being bought out. Similarly, when investing in collectibles, it can take years for an item to appreciate in value. As a result, we often tell our clients not to expect significant returns for at least five to ten years.

• Taxes: Taxes are another area that can pose challenges for fledgling alternative investors. Many investors are accustomed to having their taxes filed on time or well in advance of the deadline.

Alternative investments, however, are almost always categorized as K-1 investments. As a result, there is virtually no chance for the necessary paperwork to be completed by the April 15 deadline. Instead, alternative investors must file extensions and be prepared for the possibility of not filing their taxes until very late in the extension window.

Alternative Investments Require Additional PlanningAlternative investments require additional planning compared to traditional options. For example, when for end-of-life and inheritance decisions, stocks, bonds and traditional investments are relatively straightforward.

In contrast, alternative investments—especially collectibles—require extra planning. For example, extra effort is involved in making sure an investor's prized baseball card collection is properly valued and that their heirs understand its value, as well as what to do with it when the time comes.

The alternative investments represent unique opportunities for the savvy investor. Understanding the above trends can go a long way toward successfully navigating the challenges and rewards of the market.

The information provided here is not investment, tax, or financial advice. You should consult with a licensed professional for advice concerning your specific situation.

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Regarding the concepts mentioned in the article you shared, let's discuss each one in detail:

Global Assets Under Management (AuM)

According to PwC, global assets under management (AuM) are expected to reach $145.4 trillion in 2025, nearly double the $84.9 trillion recorded in 2016.

Alternative Investments

The same research predicts that alternative investments will reach $21.1 trillion by 2025, representing 15% of all AuM.

Democratization of Alternative Investment Opportunities

The alternative investment market has experienced significant democratization, providing increased access to investment opportunities for individuals. One example of this is crowdfunding, which has made it easier for investors to participate in alternative investments. Crowdfunding has successfully funded various projects and companies, offering lucrative opportunities for investors.

Additionally, more established investors now have easier access to private lending opportunities. Following the financial crisis of 2008, many organizations faced challenges in acquiring financing from traditional sources. As a result, private lending has become an attractive opportunity for both organizations and investors.

Increased awareness has also contributed to the democratization of the market. Younger individuals, for example, are buying sports memorabilia not only because of their connection to favorite players but also because they recognize the investment potential.

Investors Seeking Unique Opportunities

During economic downturns or recessions, investors with available cash often seize the opportunity to diversify their portfolios and take advantage of investment opportunities. For example, after the housing market crash in 2008, investors were able to purchase properties at significantly reduced prices, leading to subsequent booms in certain markets like Florida.

Backing Companies that Adapt

As technology continues to evolve, companies that effectively adapt to new trends and technologies tend to outperform those that do not. For instance, Amazon quickly adapted to the rise of e-commerce and now dominates the field, while companies like Walmart have struggled to catch up. This dichotomy creates opportunities for investors, particularly in alternative investments such as hedge funds, private equity, and direct investments, where they can back companies that demonstrate an ability to adapt.

Unique Challenges of Alternative Investments

Alternative investments differ from traditional investments in several ways, and investors must adapt to these differences. While alternative investments offer benefits such as the potential for better returns and portfolio diversification, they also present unique challenges in terms of reporting, liquidity, and taxes.

  • Reporting: Performance reporting in the alternative market often lags behind and lacks the transparency investors are accustomed to with publicly traded companies. Investors must put in more effort to research the companies they are invested in and stay updated on developments. Reporting in the private equity and direct investment market can lag behind by at least a couple of months.

  • Liquidity: Alternative investments often have longer lock-up periods, meaning funds are tied up for longer periods of time compared to traditional investments. For example, private equity or direct investments may require waiting for a major liquidity event, such as the company going public or being bought out. Collectibles, such as sports memorabilia, can also take years to appreciate in value.

  • Taxes: Alternative investments are often categorized as K-1 investments, which can complicate tax filing. The necessary paperwork may not be completed by the April 15 deadline, requiring investors to file extensions and potentially delay filing their taxes until later in the extension window.

Additional Planning for Alternative Investments

Compared to traditional options, alternative investments require additional planning. For example, when considering end-of-life and inheritance decisions, alternative investments like collectibles require extra effort to ensure proper valuation and to educate heirs about their value and what to do with them in the future.

In conclusion, the world of alternative investing is expanding rapidly, with global assets under management projected to reach $145.4 trillion by 2025. The democratization of alternative investment opportunities, the search for unique investment opportunities, and the backing of companies that adapt to new technologies are key trends in this field. However, alternative investments also present unique challenges in terms of reporting, liquidity, and taxes. Proper planning is essential when considering alternative investments.

Please note that the information provided here is based on the article you shared and the relevant search results. It is always advisable to consult with a licensed professional for personalized investment advice based on your specific situation.

Council Post: Top Trends Impacting The Alternative Investment Market (2025)


What are the challenges of investing in alternative investments? ›

Risks of Alternative Investments

Alternative investments are more complex than traditional investment vehicles. They often have higher fees associated with them. As with any investment, the potential for a higher return means higher risk.

How does aim work? ›

Key Takeaways. The Alternative Investment Market (AIM) is a specialized unit of the London Stock Exchange (LSE) catering to smaller, more risky companies. The companies listed on AIM tend to be smaller and more highly speculative, in part due to AIM's relaxed regulations and listing requirements.

Why are alternative investments becoming popular? ›

Alternative investment industry

Demand has been driven from investors in pursuit of improved portfolio diversification, higher investment returns, and strong risk-adjusted returns.

What is interesting about alternative investments? ›

Alternative investments often have many of the following characteristics: Narrow specialization of the investment managers. Relatively low correlation of returns with those of traditional investments. Less regulation and less transparency than traditional investments.

What are the biggest challenges in impact investing? ›

The challenges of impact investing

First and foremost, it can be difficult to measure the social and/or environmental impact of an investment. This lack of data and standardization around impact reporting makes it difficult to compare different investments and assess risk.

What are the risk factors of alternative investments? ›

Alternative investments offer investors the potential for diversification, higher returns, and protection against inflation. However, they come with their own set of risks and challenges, including illiquidity, higher volatility, and complexity.

Why is the AIM market down? ›

Well, it's probably a combination of a number of factors that have added up to drive investors away from the market. AIM shares are generally higher risk than those on the main markets and AIM companies tend have lower levels of liquidity, making it harder for investors to sell shares.

Is AIM Global a pyramid? ›

During the presentations, the team members stress that AIM Global is a legitimate company and not a scam or pyramid scheme as many people think. “We are registered by the Multi-Level Marketing International Association, have legitimate bank accounts and are registered with the Kenya Revenue Authority,” they say.

What is AIM and why is it important? ›

The main purpose of aims is to give us a sense of direction. Without them it is easy to become indifferent and let events dictate our course. Setting your goal is also the first step towards realisation. A goal creates an inner tension as there is a difference between where you are and where you want to be.

What is the most popular alternative investment? ›

Real Estate

Real estate is perhaps the most well-known alternative investment. Investing in real estate can provide ongoing cash flow and the potential for appreciation. Real estate generally has a low correlation to traditional investments such as stocks and bonds. Real estate investing can be done in several formats.

What is the future of alternative investments? ›

Just 15 years ago, alternative asset classes made up only 6% of the global investable market. That share is expected to grow to 24% by 2025, according to the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association. The rapid growth of alternatives is putting buy-side operations teams under stress.

How big is the market for alternative investments? ›

In fact, just 20 years ago, alternative investments represented $4.8 trillion, or 6%, of global assets under management, and hedge funds constituted much of that allocation. Today, alternative investments are larger than ever, sitting at $22 trillion in assets under management, or 15% of global assets under management.

What are examples of alternative investments? ›

7 Types of Alternative Investments
  • Private Equity. Private equity is a broad category that refers to capital investment made into private companies, or those not listed on a public exchange, such as the New York Stock Exchange. ...
  • Private Debt. ...
  • Hedge Funds. ...
  • Real Estate. ...
  • Commodities. ...
  • Collectibles. ...
  • Structured Products.
May 7, 2020

Are alternative investments on the rise? ›

Alternative investments — financial assets that do not belong to conventional investment categories such as stocks, bonds or cash — have grown in popularity in recent years, especially as investors seek to diversify their portfolios.

Why are alternative assets growing? ›

The growing popularity of alternative investments is mainly being driven by UK investors turning their attention to financial returns. Nearly two-thirds (63%) of alternative investors said they were motivated to invest whilst UK inflation was outstripping high-street bank savings rates.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of alternative investments What are the associated risks? ›

An alternative investment is made in non-traditional assets like cash, bonds, and equities. Alternative investments are often considered high-risk due to their illiquidity, lack of transparency, and complexity. However, they can offer the potential for higher returns and diversification to a portfolio.

Are alternative investments riskier? ›

Since alternatives are considered riskier investments, they often have the potential for higher returns compared to traditional investments.

What is a major benefit of investing in alternative assets? ›

Many investors have discovered private alternatives as a way to protect against volatility, diversifying their portfolios. This way, when the stock market drops significantly, they have a hedge of protection and not all of their investment portfolio will be affected.

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It gives you a platform to learn and apply Technical Analysis like top investment management professionals. You can conduct research, plan investments, and build a successful portfolio over an 8-week period.

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